MovieChat Forums > The Host (2013) Discussion > This could have worked...

This could have worked...

Seriously, on paper, this sounds like an interesting story. An invasion of the body snatchers, and then one of the snatchers befriends her host and learns what it means to be human. Also, the idea of two beings inhabiting one body sounds pretty cool. There's even a few decent scenes. The scene where Wanderer enters the med lab and finds her dead kin is particularly chilling.

So what's the problem? Well, first of all, the movie moves at a snail's pace and is a chore to watch. An alien invasion movie should be much more interesting than that. Second, antagonize the Souls. The Souls are supposed to be the villains, and you can tell by the way they've created a utopia. Seriously, make them more the pod people. And finally, it's Stephanie Meyer. As such, the action and sci-fi elements get pushed aside to make room for what's really important: tween porn and romantic subplot. >:X Just what we want from our sci-fi movies.

Fix any of these elements, and I guarantee you, The Host would've been a much better movie.

Brother Maynard, bring forth the holy hand grenade!


tween porn

Wow - you win the prize for worst post ever written. Now - according to you - teenagers "kissing" is porn. Do you even know where babies come from? Do you take a bath with your swimming suit on?


"tween porn"

Wow - you win the prize for worst post ever written. Now - according to you - teenagers "kissing" is porn. Do you even know where babies come from? Do you take a bath with your swimming suit on?
What the phrase "tween porn" in OP's post means, is "substitute for porn, intended for an audience of tweens who are just discovering sexuality"; not actual porn featuring tweens (do you even know what "tweens" are?). Seems to me there's nothing wrong with OP's post but something off with your reading skills.

By the way, I agree with the OP, the movie is that boring. Although I'd rather blame the director/screenwriter, instead of Stephenie Meyer.

Joe Satriani - "Always With Me, Always With You"


Well, the action scenes in the film weren't even in the book.

To err is Human. To arr is Pirate!


Come on, really? It's obviously a colourful term for twilight-esq romance.

...then whoa, differences...


The Host is written by the Twilight Saga author after all, so why is everyone so surprised by this?

Personally, I found The Host to have been better written, but I'm still more partial to the Twilight Saga series.



No surprise at all.

She didn't of course, but she could also have penned The Hunger Games, the boring overbearing teen-mance in that annoyed the hell out of me too.

...then whoa, differences...


What annoyed me about The Hunger Games series was there was barely any romance there at all. Plus, each book got more and more bizarre ... and the last one ruined the series for me. I think Stephenie would have done a better job if she had written the series.  JMHO YMMV



It's true that I've only seen the first one, but the dynamic between just her and the baker dude was enough to irritate me. Fair enough it wasn't exactly romance but the angst and neediness was annoying.

We also had to have the smouldering hunter dude a little bit at play as well.

...then whoa, differences...


Have you read the books? I've read all three and seen all but the last film.

You probably should stay away from them.  I will probably sell mine at some point. I wish I had just borrowed them from the library. I think I'll read the books one more time before selling them, just so I'll know that getting rid of them was the right thing to do. 



lol no, not read them. Not my cup of tea.

...then whoa, differences...


I won't say my reading them was a waste of time. I enjoyed the characters ... just not how things turned out for them.



I liked the slower pace of the film, it was kind of an after the storm type scenario. Points such as the brutality and callousness of humans and the hypocrisy of the aliens are well made.

But the romance (deffo not porn) is superfluous.

It's not "Sci-Fi", it's SF!

"Calvinism is a very liberal religious ethos." - Truekiwijoker


I think the movie "Her" did a better job at having an unseen character than The Host did, so to me it proves that it could have been done if the director and co had actually tried.


... it's Stephanie Meyer.
LOL! I thought this was supposed to be her "adult" book. Just more teen angst/romance twilight style. Seriously underwhelming, though, as usual, Saoirse Ronan's performance is compelling.🐭


Have you read the book? The movie made changes to the ages of the main characters. They're older in the book.



No India Ana I haven't read the book, but I'm aware the producers tweaked the ages of the lead characters distinctly south. That's my point.

This was supposed to be SM's "adult" book, but the producers in adapting to the screen, have done their level best to rechannel Twilight again, which IMO is a retrograde step, notwithstanding Saoirse Ronan's fine performance.🐭


Ok. I was just wondering and wanted to give you the heads up if you weren't aware. I would have preferred they kept closer to the books, but them's the breaks. What we got was okay ... but it could have been so much better. I'd love to see a TV show or Mini-series made.

The Host is a much better written book than the Twilight Saga. IMHO. Though I still prefer the latter between the two, storywise.

It states somewhere on SM's website that she hadn't written the Twilight books for the YA market. She toned down some of the more adult scenes when her agent and publishers pushed to make the books for the YA market.



I don't know, I like how the Souls weren't just mustache twirling villains.

I couldn't imagine a better fate than a long and lustrous winter! 
