MovieChat Forums > The Host (2013) Discussion > Never been so embarassed to be in love w...

Never been so embarassed to be in love with a film


I just saw the Host at a second-run theater for $1.50, I waited so long because of the terrible 9% Rotten Tomato reviews and the toxic word-of-mouth. Imagine my shock when I found myself gleefully enjoying every second of this movie, laughing out loud at certain parts, and thoroughly invested in the plot and characters. And here's the final shocker: I'm a dude. It didn't hurt that Saorise Ronan is an absolutely gorgeous peach whom I'm now totally in love with.

Sure, there are really stupid things about the movie, but they are overshadowed by all the things I loved. I loved that Melanie loved one guy but Wanda loved a different guy, it would've been a much more boring movie if they both liked the same guy. The scene on the clifftop where Wanda says, "My body loves Jared, and this is my body now so I do too...but I have feelings of my own" was the best scene in the movie, so great, so clever. I love that Wanda told Ian if he could hold the "real" her in his hand, he'd be disgusted and crush her, but the end of the film Ian carefully and gently holds a Soul in his palms, a touching and heart-rending moment for me, you really believe that Ian would love Wanda even in Soul-form.

Here's the thing though, I want to shout my appreciation and love for this movie from the rooftops (and I guess I am doing the digital version of that right now), but I can NEVER, EVER admit to any of my friends, coworkers, or acquaintances that I love this movie, and it is tearing me apart inside. It's like being in love with a girl who's (fill in: fat/poor/dumb/an alien parasite) and you can't be seen with her in front of your friends, but you wish the world was different and you could declare it to the world. The scathing ridicule and sarcastic disbelief would burn like the heat of a dying sun.

We've all enjoyed "guilty-pleasure" movies, but I've never experienced anything like this before, I've never been so burning-hot embarrassed by a movie I enjoy so much. I would never be able to live it down if I told anyone, and I feel like if someone asked me about this movie, I'd be compelled to lie and say I've never seen it or that it was a "awful crap chick flick". I will never admit that I think the Host was a more enjoyable movie than other recent "hits" like Iron Man 3 (which I thought was pretty bad). If I were Catholic I feel like this is something I'd reveal in a confession booth. Anyone else feel like me? :-p


This is exactly why reviews/scores on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB are useless.

Like what you like - love what you love! Why let others tell you what to like or not, just because it's "cool".

If you're a reader at all, I would encourage you to give the book a shot. If you're concerned with getting caught with a copy, there's always digital copies that can be downloaded to phones, readers etc. You seem to appreciate the characters, so I'd bet you'd appreciate actually getting into Mel/Wanda's head more thoroughly. I liked the book and enjoyed the movie, but as you always hear... I still think the book was better lol.

The internet - destroying much needed social skills one youth at a time.


Yes the book!! The book was fantastic but they removed and changed scenes though the movie was good it was still somehow disappointing


It seems to me that you really understood the real story (the love part, at least), which not everyone does.

I feel like something important should have been in included in the movie, though. When Wanda says that Ian would be so disgusted by her real body if he could hold her in his hands that he would kill her, I felt like they were building up to one of the quotes in the book. I remember thinking in the theater "Ah, that's a smart way to build up to that moment!".
After Wanda wakes up, Ian whispers to her "I held you in my hands Wanderer, and you were so beautiful." Although I don't LOVE this quote, I was surprised it wasn't included. It was a cute moment in the book (which, by the way, you should read!). The book let you explore Wanda's relationship to everyone (especially Melanie and Ian) further. I can't believe I'm saying this, because it's Meyer vs. Niccol, but the book is more complex and just... better. And if you liked the romance in the movie, you'll love it in the book. Also, there's a sequel coming up.


Wow, that is a beautiful line, "I held you in my hands Wanderer, and you were so beautiful." I wish that had made it into the film, it would've made the scene even better, and made the point more explicitly.


From one male to another, and one who greatly enjoyed both the book and the movie: don't be embarrassed. It spoke to you and moved you - that's all that matters.

A couple of things to think about. You say, "toxic word-of-mouth". Does this not say more about those spreading "toxic" opinions than the film itself? And you say that you could never admit to your friends that you love the movie. I have to ask: if that is so, are they really your friends? Real friends, even if they have an opposing opinion, would accept your right to have an opinion and listen to it non-judgementally, without mocking yours.

It's a shame, but much of the negative opinion comes across as thoughtless hate, but thoughtless hate that has already done much damage. I suspect that much of the toxic word-of-mouth is merely herd-mentality lynch-mob trolling. There are quite a few examples on this board.

The contrast between my enjoyment of the film and the bile spewed out by the critics and others was so marked that I did some web searching for other opinions. I found a few thoughtful and supportive comments for this film from males in age groups older than the teenage one from which I think much of the toxicity is emanating. This is a good example, but sadly and inevitably the recipient of a few trollish replies. 40

And I did find a few negative reviews where the reviewer had gone out of their way to give convincing reasons for their dislike, but they were few and far between. And before anyone accuses me of bias, I find the mindless starry-eyed love as unconvincing as the unconsidered hate.

I strongly urge you to read the book. If you found the sight of Ian gently holding a soul heart-rending, your heart will be just as moved, if not more so, by many other extraordinary moments in the book that didn't make it to the screen. It's a wonderful read, in my opinion.


GOOD friends respect your opinions, GREAT friends mock them.


Try this. People who pretend to be friends but who are not really, tell you the things that you want to hear. Great friends tell you things that you don't want to hear, but which are good for you.

But a true friend would never mock you!


I mock my friends every day, I love making them feel miserable about their lives. Then again, most of my friends are guys.


Thank you everyone for your kind replies! I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who really loved this movie, this is kind of like a secret support group ha ha. Maybe my friends would only tease me in a harmless way, but I'm sure coworkers and acquaintences would be more vicious and judgemental. Even my wife (who ironically didn't like the movie at all despite being female) teased me, she quipped "I guess I'm the man of the relationship."

When I buy the blu-ray it will be hidden in the shelf behind more "respectable" movies like "Fight Club" or "Gladiator". :-P I do really want to read the book now, but I wouldn't be caught dead with anything by Stephanie Meyers as a grown man. I guess I'll be reading it in the bathroom, with the book hidden in sink cabinet or something :-D

I guess the movie's message of love without boundaries really spoke to me, and it's sad that the rest of the world is so cynical they can't enjoy it. The Wanda/Ian relationship is definitely what made the movie for me. I admit it was slightly tough to swallow at first that Ian would have truly fallen in love with a alien parasite living inside this hot girl whom he (supposedly) never had feelings for prior to the implantation. However, there was something so pure, vulnerable and disarming/likeable about Wanda's personality (and the way Saoirse played her) that I got over it, and was able to gleefully suspend the disbelief, and believe that this love could happen. I guess it comes down to personality; I can be a bitter person, but I am never cynical, and want to believe that beauty like this is possible.

On a side note, the only thing that did bother me in the entire film is why the aliens were using silver helicopters to search for the humans. . You'd think with all their advanced technology they would at least have some Hunger Games-esque hovercrafts or something.


Try an ebook ;)

Make sure you download the version with the bonus chapter. It's the scene were Melanie wakes up, and they get Wanda's body.


The essence of this movie goes beyond the love relationship between Wanda/Melanie to Ian/Jared. The sensibility and timeless essence of the human is explored as pure as it could be concieved by God (YHWH) him/herself. At first I thought this movie was about the duality of the pure human soul trapped into the flesh body we are born into.... the next moment I realize the "souls" are actually aliens!!

Many people miss entirely the depth of this movie. Sure, the love story is fun to watch as a woman apparently loves two men... Does not every woman does it? Women who are not very mature display this duality quite often by having a forbidden relationship with a lover while being married... or wishing her their partner displays both personalities: the hero/ macho/ leader of the tribe while at the same time being the caring and committed parent/ supporter.

Plus? dont we as humans always deal about the duality of our souls every day? Take for instance World Pollution... every human relizes and knows in full the dangerous consequences and the uncertain and sadly terrible desperate future of our planet Earth, yet we as individuals and as a collective do nothing significant to revert the situation (just very few try to do things, but not 100% of us). Love Vs. passion, the soul vs. the carnal desires of the body, purity against the flesh, eternity vs. the temporary, right vs. wrong, duty vs. values.... this movie tries to explore and portray the duality in the body/soul of every human being. A duality that has existed and will always be present in our species.

Your duality is your personal perception/appreciation vs. the social peer pressure to disapprove of this movie.... maybe your friends are the aliens!!... and you are a soul overtaken by them.

Stick to your beliefs!... no one can think for you. Just a thought... every time we humans, as a collective, try to embrace a concept, we usually pick the worst explanation for it. We humans do not have collective learning, least to say thinking.

I was discouraged to know this movie/ book was writeen by the same author of the Twilight Saga (Stephanie Meyer - I hate it because it is CHEESY, poorly acted, over exagerate... like the worst series of movies).... all the story could have well fitted into 180 - 240 minutes... not to say one movie should have been enough... girl thinks about two guys... she picks one then end. She should have made seven movies about the Host and only one of the Twilight.... but hey she really made a point here! Finally!


I do really want to read the book now, but I wouldn't be caught dead with anything by Stephanie Meyers as a grown man.

I am a 39 year old male, and I liked this movie enough to want to seek out the book and read it. The true shock for me is that this was written by the same person that did that cheesy seemingly endless vampire-human-love-story (I watched the first part and half of the second part on TV and my head ached at it). But this? This... there was something so uplifting about the way the story went, in a fashion so rarely seen.

Oh, and for what it is worth, I plan to read the book while on breaktime at work. Don't care who sees or what they think. I'm a big Haruhi fan so they all probably already think I'm weird, but - you know - I like what I like.

"I held you in my hands Wanderer, and you were so beautiful."

There's a part of me that is glad that was left out...or I would have done something stupid, like cry. ;-)


Interesting post. I'm 53 and love scifi fantasy films, especially aliens. I thought the alien souls were amazing looking. I also like the more manly movies like the couple you mentioned. But one of my most favorite movies of all time has been A Walk In The Clouds. The whole era, vineyards/wine making and romance in that movie just struck a cord. Few people who know me would guess that's at the top of my list with all the scifi I watch.


Wow! Great post! I agree with the other posts you should give the book a chance!


never be embarrassed about what you love, unless it hurts someone, which it doesn't. I have loved Saoirse since Atonement. She is luminous, ethereal.
I loved it too and I am a very intelligent, successful, self-made, well-traveled and educated woman. Haters are sad and ineffectual people who are compelled to insult the work and efforts of others so that they feel some self-worth without having to make any effort.
THank you for having the courage to post this.
peace n luv


Beautifully said. Saoirse is special.


I don't think you should be embarrassed to come out of the closet. But tell your parents, it's just fair...



If you get the book, the paperback has a bonus chapter at the back. There are blank pages where it belongs in the story.



I'm a guy and I loved the movie too. does it really matter what others think? it's just a movie, it's easy to like something everyone else likes, but going against the flow, is where real strength lies, weather it's with moves or daily life issues. you shouldn't be ashamed.


You will feel how you feel but for what it's worth I don't think you should waste time worrying about what others think. If you love it you love it. I appreciate your review because I myself liked it overall but there were many weak moments. However I blame the screenplay. Just because it isn't Tolstoy or "The Great Gatsby" doesn't mean that it shouldn't get the best script possible. There were some ridiculous moments that I laughed out loud at. I also really missed the desert. It was a character of its own in the book. I hope you do read the book because if you loved the movie you'll adore the book. :-D


I agree with everyone else saying you really shouldn't care! I'm a guy and I loved the book and enjoyed the movie. I'm not going to scream it from the rooftops or wear t-shirts or anything but I won't pretend like it wasn't something I enjoyed. The book is one of my favorites.

If people are really going to mock you for liking what you like, then those aren't people you should want in your life.

Also, as everyone else is saying, you really should read the book. If you enjoyed the movie so much, you will definitely love the book even more. If you have a kindle or any type of ereader, you will be able to read it and no one will even know. Or you can buy a hardcover copy and take off the jacket (the title will be on the spine but who cares!) Or you can get over this whole thing and be proud of what you enjoy.

Either way, glad to hear you liked it. It seems like so many people are initially put off because of bad reviews and hate for Stephenie but you've proven that just about anyone can appreciate it if they give it a chance.
