MovieChat Forums > The Host (2013) Discussion > Violence Against Women? Melanie hit mul...

Violence Against Women? Melanie hit multiple times??

I found this film to be morally irresponsible in relation to violence against women and girls. In fact, it disgusted me.

Melanie/Wanda is punched in the face:

1) In the desert by a man

2) In the desert by an old woman (then Mel is blindfolded which looks terrible)

3) In the cave she is punched and knocked unconscious by a man

4) In the cave by a man who tries to kill her

I found the violence against this female character was sickening and SO over-the-top.

Shame on the filmmakers for allowing this to occur in their film. Too much violence against women in the world-- it shouldn't be happening in Hollywood films, too.


Rosie O'Donnell? Is that you?


@KineCh Hahahahaha!! Thanks, for that! lol

Chill, I'm a chic and you have to keep in mind that in the eyes of these humans, she wasn't even a woman/Girl she was a parasite, a monster and Alien.... And you'll notice once they started seeing her as a human or atleast a decent being they were really good to her too. Relax.... not everything is so black and white.

Just found this.. That's some funny *beep*


Stephanie meyers theme: he hits you because he loves you. Remember creepy stalker edward?


Edward has never physically abused Bella. Actually, she was the abusive one-she physically assaulted Jacob numerous times. But he has a penis, so that doesn't count, right?


To be fair, she is hit because she's an alien. And there's a LOT of violence in this movie... more than I realized after walking out of it last night.

It dawned on me today that at least three people committed suicide in this movie (the two guys driving the truck and Melanie's father).

The Seeker killed a man by shooting him in the head.

I mean, in reality, this movie was just violent and it wasn't just towards Melanie.


Melanie laid out Jared a few times if I recall.


Violence against women??? Really?? So there is noting else left to pick apart?


What about the violence against men? Equality goes both ways,


Men are born to be abused. Go figure.


My thoughts exactly. No one goes on here to complain about men being hit. I'm a woman and I feel like people want it both ways. You can't treat us different because of our gender but then wait no, you can't hit us because of our gender. It makes me mad.

I'm loving the debate. Great minds battling it out. And I've got a front row seat.


Wow. Um. Glowflies, Did you even watch the movie? Or did someone just tell you about these scenes?

I'm not going to call you names or insult you. You're just clearly misinformed. That's why I ask if you actually saw the movie. If you haven't, just understand, the violence is completely understandable given the circumstances.

If you have seen the movie... Are you offended when people shoot female zombies? What about when killing female vampires?

At what point does this get silly? It's not like the walked up.. "Oh look, it's Melanie. BEAT HER ASS!" They were clearly calling her an IT. And saying how dare she come there in that body. They knew she was a host.

Peter Gibbons: "It's not just about me, & my dream of doing nothing!"


Eh, honestly I don't think the guys punching her in the face was justified really. They only did it because they were angry she was an alien. She wasn't attacking anybody.


I don't think they were either; but that's not the issue. The issue is the OP's sexism. If Wanda was a man, they wouldn't care.


This is an excellent point.

If you also watch carefully the other flop, John Carter, you will notice that there is a point where the main female character is abused as well.
Those Hollywood people appear not to get it.


This is an excellent point.
What was excellent about it? All they did was whine about women not getting special treatment for having a vagina.

If you also watch carefully the other flop, John Carter, you will notice that there is a point where the main female character is abused as well.
So? Male characters are abused all the time.

Those Hollywood people appear not to get it.
Not get what? Equality? Oh, wait, no, only when it benefits women. Feminism:women have rights, men have responsibilities!
