TIFF hilarity tonight

Toronto FIlm Festival Gala Sept 17

So Keitel and some cast are onstage before the film while the director says a few words.

Then the director brings out the producer, who proceeds to ramble on about how great Keitel is with a retelling of a couple of scenes from Smoke. It goes on and on and on. He finishes up by saying bla bla bla and THAT's why Harvey you're one of the greats.

Keitel comes to the mic. Says, yeah well while we were filming that scene it took me 5 takes. An onlooker on the street yelled "if I messed up driving my truck 5 times in a row I'd be fired!"

The audience roars with laughter and applause. Does the producer take the obvious perfect ending to the pre-film bla blas and let us see the film?


He keeps going!

He gets on with boring the crowd to sleep with long rambling thank yous.

After another 5 minutes, as he's in the middle of a particularly long and boring thank you, Keitel shakes his head and walks off the stage. Crowd roars with laughter. 15 seconds later, the rest of the cast and director leave the stage. Audience roars. The producer DOES NOT TAKE THE HINT. HE KEEPS TALKING.

Piers whatsisname, the head of TIFF,shakes his head and walks off stage, leaving this gasbag who can't take a hint alone at the mic.

Gasbag finally wraps it up and spares us more pointless rambling. He leaves the stage to thunderous thank-god-you're-f'ing-finished applause.

the end


The end.
