Fun Facts...

150 of 322 voters gave this a 10... 

64 of the 67 "Reviews' all say "*** This review may contain spoilers ***"

That many reviews for a Bigfoot movie? 


503 out of 1304 gave it a 10 as I write this. 93% gave it an 8 or higher.

Bunch of shills. Look at the reviews. All from new users. All their only film reviewed. All gave it a 9 or 10. All from the US. None of them ever heard of using paragraphs. The only two reviews that seem to be genuine rated it a 1 and a 2. Top 1000 voters gave it a 1.9.


I never trust the top 1000 reviewers score. Half the time it's people going around rating a 1 or a 10 on every single page they can click on. I rate every film I watch (and some television), usually around 500-600 titles a year and I've never been even close to being a top 1000 voter. I don't know what percentage of those top 1000 voters actually saw this, but I'm guessing next to none!

A lot of strange things happen in this world. Things you don't know about in Grand Rapids.


After sifting through the reviews and playing around with the filters, it looks like all but 2 reviews are fake! Every review of 8 or higher follows roughly the same script: mention Zach Galligan, mention how much fun the bigfoot legend is, mention how amazing the movie is.

There are zero reviews to represent ratings of 3-7, and only 2 negative (honest) reviews of 2 or 1. Pretty shady.

A lot of strange things happen in this world. Things you don't know about in Grand Rapids.
