Is privacy dead?

Ok, this scares the crap out of me! When a program like this starts propaganda (yes, that's what it is) for the government to try to make people believe that no privacy is good for us, and a famous actor like Morgan Freeman is fronting it, it's dangerous. People starts believing this stuff and starts accepting even more surveilance. What are the producers thinking? Does Morgan Freeman understand what he's doing? Does he understand that governments around the world use this as a way to control us? Sure, there are good sides, but they far from outweigh the negative effects. NSA will find this post and they will probably make a small note about it, and about me, maybe take a look at my FaceBook profile (I'm not hiding anything). Probably not important, but they might follow me more closely, just in case. Especialy if I add the words "terrorists" "Washington DC" and "dirty bomb". Hello NSA, no I'm not planning something stupid, it's just to make a point.


People always call it propaganda when they don't like the end results.


I used to love this series, and Morgan Freeman is on my top ten list of actors, but to say that surveilance, even increased surveilance, might be for the best, THAT scares me.


Too bad George Orwell is not alive anymore, I would love his opinion on the episode....
