The Cabin

Wasn't this the cabin also used in another beast run amok movie?


I, too, thought it looked familiar. When Nikki fell out of the upstairs window, it made me think about some walking sea creature movie (???) where there were a bunch of them killed on a roof similar to what she fell onto...not sure, though.


YES! It was "Sea Beast" or something like that.

It must be the all purpose Cabin set for Scy-Fy channel movies.

Wonder if it will make an appearance in the upcoming, "Sharktopus."


They filmed Sea Beast there and Snakehead Terror at that cabin to name a few .The cabin is owned by someone who works for Syfy .


I love the cabin though. It's definitely nice.


The cabin was also the truck stop / coffee shop in "Wyvern" which was shown last night.

SyFy needs to start crediting the cabin.

It's gotten to the point that I actually look for this cabin in SyFy movies and am excited when I recognize it.


Lol. I wish Syfy would play more classics like Aliens (1986), and Terminator 2 (1991). Instead of their made for tv garbage, and whatever giant insect running amok they're going to use for their next plot line.

§ Humans! You're not worth the flesh you're printed on! §


I don't. I'm somebody who will completely trash a film that doesn't have a good storyline, acceptable acting or good dialogue. I take my taste in movies very seriously but SyFy is where I go to escape from my normal movies. I have a guilty pleasure for the ridiculous, completely un-realistic and below sub-par films they make. They're wacky and I love them for that reason. Aside from Flu-Bird Horror or whatever the hell that was called, I typically sit and watch an entire movie.


Arguably, I suppose SyFy movies could be considered so bad that they're good. Me and my friends used to watch Jean Claude Van Damme movies for the same reason. Of course we ripped on them the whole time, we were our own Mystery Science Theater 3000.

§ Humans! You're not worth the flesh you're printed on! §


Haha. You pretty much nailed it though. So bad they're good.


It was also used as Sam and Emily's home in New Moon.

"Sleep...Those little slices of death. How I loathe them" Edgar Allan Poe


SyFy needs to start crediting the cabin

And all you'll have is an empty heart and a chipped cup.


It's also the house that Sam Uley lives in with his girlfriend in the Twilight movies. ^_^ I actually love this house and wish that I could find pictures of it.
