MovieChat Forums > Trial & Retribution (1997) Discussion > Has Trial and Retribution been axed?

Has Trial and Retribution been axed?

Has it been axed, there doesn't appear to be any new series in the pipeline?


I haven't heard anything about it being axed, but you never know with ITV - they tend to stockpile new episodes of drama series and only show them a year or two later.

The "new" series of Law & Order UK starting in January is actually the second half of the first series which was held back from early 2009. They could have new episodes of T&R sitting on the shelf ready to be transmitted.


In all honesty, I hope it's over. So far there have been 22 episodes. The first 8 were all superior, highly stylised and on occasion truly gut-wrenching compared with what followed.

Number 9: The Lovers was promising until realising the plot was lifted wholesale from Tim Krabbé's novel The Golden Egg adapted flawlessly by George Sluizer for Spoorloos aka The Vanishing in 1988, which he pointlessly remade for the American audience in 1993 as The Vanishing; an utterly pointless film, bereft of the suspense and verisimilitude of his original film. Fans of the original Trial & Retribution series should see Spoorloos.
The rest of the Trial & Retribution series went downhill from there. They were still good but this is typical of a series starting out wonderfully and deteriorating into hackneyed stories full of clichés and badly drawn stereotypes. Such a shame because the first 8 were truly remarkable but what’s left after them is watered down, shortened stories, half of which stink of plagiarism. As if that wasn’t enough, many of them completely omitted any courtroom trials, which was at least half the initial impetus that drove this once superior series of police procedural epics.

What we see as spectacle is in fact a ceremony


All valid points that I agree with, but the key words (for me) in your post were, "They were still good." So I would say that yes, the show has gone downhill, but I still wouldn't mind a few more episodes.


Hi suiycfui, yeah, I'd watch 'em if they make more. I've got 'em all on DVD cos I'm a diehard fan, I just get a bit vexed when something superior turns stale so it was just a little rant. It's the way with most things, though, isn't it... you know, something good rarely lasts in this old media business, be it films, magazines, what have you.

Put it this way, I wouldn't petition anyone to start making them again, unless they promised to adhere to the structure of the first ones in which case, I'd say, "Yessiree Bob, I'll buy that for a dollar!"

What we see as spectacle is in fact a ceremony


In all honesty, I hope it's over. So far there have been 22 episodes. The first 8 were all superior, highly stylised and on occasion truly gut-wrenching compared with what followed.

I agree. The series has just become a pale shadow of itself. Whatever happened to the interesting themes like Mike slowly but surely turning bad and corrupt? Over the last few seasons it just became a dull 'whodunnit' with emphasis on who Roisin was gonna shag each series. Tiresome. It sadly just became a soap opera. The first 5 or 6 series were just incredible.

The memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime


well, the actors are doing something else so it doesn't seem very promising. I know the tread is a bit old but please say if you hear about new episodes or if it has been axed, cause im from Denmark and not completely updated on english channels and programs. I love this serie.


Such a pity. I, for one, thought this show was brilliant in almost every aspect, including the later seasons. So much trash out there (mostly US); it's a shame series' like this don't receive the wide-spread attention and appreciation they deserve.
