MovieChat Forums > The Sunset Limited (2011) Discussion > Frequently yawn inducing for us non-chri...

Frequently yawn inducing for us non-christians

when did HBO become the Bible Channel?


Not sure why you don't see this for what I believe it is ... a deep exploration of both faith and nihilism, equally presented, no holds barred. The writer is definitely not simplistic in any way, and neither is the presentation. IMHO. And I'm not exactly sure where I am on the scale between "Christian" and whatever you see on the other end of the scale.

Personally I was riveted from the first second to the last, and that's a phenomenally difficult to achieve effect with only a single set, two characters, single act, and no props or action.


You realize this was written by Cormac McCarthy, don't you? You probably don't know who he is, since you sound like a f@cking idiot.



calm down.

Just because this was written by Cormac Mc Carthy makes it excusable?

No Country for Old Men, The Road -- not many references to Christianity in those -- (they are written for a wider audience)


@nasdaq - why does everything have to be written for a wider audience?

The Dude Abides


because i'm paying 12 bux a month for HBO


You realize that Christianity is the most widely praciticed religion in the world right? The fact that so many people dedicate their lives to this belief surely makes it important. The institution of religion is a huge driving force in our world and no matter what you believe, the fact that it is out there will impact your life.
That's what makes McCarthy's play so captivating. It shows the reaches posed by both the faithful and the faithless. It's about doubters and questioners.
I am not a christian but that doesn't mean I'm opposed to Christian themes being discussed.In fact, it makes me all the more interested. I loved it.


tarmikosPnB :

You realize Christianity was forced upon diverse populations of the world in the form of missionaries, wars, etc? It was not a mere choice for many people. It still goes on today...

Perhaps you have noticed a TV commerical for "Childfund International", currently airing on many channels. They show starving children and ask for money to feed them. What they dont tell you is that in July 2009, Christian Children's Fund changed its name to ChildFund International. Never once in these commericals do they admit that part of the money you send to feed these starving African children will also be used to convert them to Christianity. I don't even see how it is legal to advertise like that, but its happening.


You're right. Clearly those children should be left to starve.


Or they should be given all of the money that was donated to them and not have to suffer the inane babblings of a missionary getting paid with money that should be going to their well-being. What's more important: Food, clothing and shelter, or Jesus? Hmmmm, you know what scratch the clothing, send Missionary Marcus over there to teach them how to hate homosexuals.


Are you saying that the charity does not clothe and feed or shelter them?


I am sure they do in fact clothe and feed these people, but only after they are extorted and forced to subjugate. I'm not knocking Christianity because I am sure this practice is popular among most religions that try to convert and indoctrinate, but its shameful none the less.


It should be added that there are secular charities that do similar work, without the religious confusion. You can usually find a pure charity alternative to the religious organizations, and there are new groups appearing all the time, due to the recent migration of people away from religion. (And I AM knocking Christianity... it's a bad system, and will be held to account)


Are you saying it's moral to use money to convert people to christianity when it should be used to raise their socio-economic status?

If the money christian charities use goes both to a person's wellbeing AND to convert them to the christian religion, obviously there is going to be a trade-off between what these people receive (food, shelter, proper education) and what they are taught (God is your master, gays are bad, science is evil).


The road, and No country have plenty of references to christianity, In the road The man asks why god has deserted the world, and religious undertones are scattered through out the book, unless your being sarcastic and i feel dumb.


I think you missed the point of the dialogue. While Black was professing Christianity, his argument was something deeper than that. Black, in response to White's comments about Jews, talked about Jesus simply being a one form of a greater Truth. He goes on to say that the Bible is just a written form of what all humans know is true in our hearts. Fundamentally, Black was arguing for Meaning.

Black, in response, argues that all forms including ourselves our empty, meaningless, simply shapes without content. Since life has no meaning, we should just kill ourselves.

Sure, both Atheists and Christians can get caught up in the discussion about IF God exists and that their side (Black or White) won, but in doing so, miss the larger, more rewarding substance in the piece.


prometheus: i definitely agree that there was a larger point being made in this film, not specific to just Christianity and the Bible. I was having a laugh


Hear! Hear! In fact, Black said he was a heretic. More than once.

And I have to say I'm as far from God as I can get and I never yawned once as the OP professed to do frequently. But to each his own.

I think when you said

Black, in response, argues that all forms including ourselves our empty, meaningless, simply shapes without content.
you actually meant White said it.

Don't trust reality. After all, it's only a collective hunch.


Thanks mental_nomad, I meant "White"


Prometheus, I do agree as well to a great extent..

The fact (and idea of the film) was not whether or not God exists, per say, but actually the MEANING (or purpose) of humanity/life overall.

Black found his meaning, or "truth" whilst in prison locked up.
White did not find any meaning, or "truth", whilst in "prison" in this world.

Very interesting...


"Frequently yawn inducing for us non-christians" What a pretentious statement. There is only one statement that you can make about all non-christians, namely that we are not christian. I am not and never was christian and I didn't yawn. It's annoying when people presume that they can represent a whole group based on nothing more than being one individual in it and make utterly stupid statements about them like you just did.


All non-Christian certainly does cover a lot of territory doesn't it. And I was unaware that there was an "us." Did I miss a meeting or something?

If I was filled with hubris about what I think being what I know, I'd say it would be Christians yawning. But I'm not, so I won't.

Don't trust reality. After all, it's only a collective hunch.
