MovieChat Forums > The Sunset Limited (2011) Discussion > Sequel to The Sunset Limited!

Sequel to The Sunset Limited!

When the door opens And Mr. White is looking to go out:

Whoa! There is a guy there!

White: Who are you?

Sparkle: Hey I am Sparkle, I just live next door and heard all you guys said to each other.

Black: Sparkle, you dont get into this. Arent you a DMT and Ayhasuca Junkie?

White: What kind of name is Sparkle?

Sparkle: Well.. My mom like the name. It also means light almost! :D And I am not here to talk about Ayhasuca or DMT.

Black: So, why you here?

Sparkle: All I want to say is that you both are saying about the same thing without you guys knowing it. I am here only to connect the dots. You guys have the reached almost the last stage where your ideas communion. What say give me a minute on that table and I can show you how.

White: I am not staying anymore!

Sparkle: Not Even, if I tell you how to get the nothingness you so much crave?

Black: Ok, you try!

Black and Sparkle sit on the table, Reluctantly White follows and does the same.

Sparkle: Can you give me some of that coffee?

Black: Yeah Ill pour in!

Black pours coffee and brings it for Sparkle.

Black: You want some White?

White: No, lets just get to the talk.

Sparkle: If I remember correct black, you did try to describe Jesus as and I quote, "I would say, that thing we're, talking about is Jesus,
but Jesus as understood, as that gold at the
bottom of the mine.He could not come down here and assume the shape of a man
if that form was not done shaped to accommodate him."

Black: I wouldn't call that much of a description.

Sparkle: And You Mr. White, you crave for nothingness and peace.

White: Yeah, so?

Sparkle: What If I say you talking about the same thing? What if I say to you god is "Nothingness", the gold at the bottom of mine. You're Jesus and Jesus is you.

Black: That's ridiculous.

White: I second that.

Sparkle: Have you read Gospel Of Thomas By Jesus?

Black: Nah!

White: No.

Sparkle: Jesus, wrote many gospels and only 3 made it to bible, the one that didnt made it to bible was Gospel Of thomas, you should read it. Its nothing more than what modern scientist and buddhist call Mindfulness. The same thing Jews mentioned in Kaballah and the same thing Krishna mentioned as Jnana Marg in the book of hinduism called, "Bhagvad geeta"

White: So?

Sparkle: Didn't Jesus say the Kingdom if heaven lies in you, did you find it Mr Black?

Mr Black: Its a metaphor right?

Sparkle: No, he meant it literally. To stay in a state of mind where there is no thought, is called Mindfulness. It makes you experience "Nothingness" Mr White, And Mr Black, this nothingness also helps you find the heaven that lies within you. You just have to "know thyself".

Mr Black: What you had before you came here?

Sparkle: Hold on the judgements, leave it to Jesus.

When you experience the state of mindfulness, you not only see things as it is. You see things in equanimity. With no judgement to What "Is". You simply don't allow your mind to interpret and carry on its mindless talk that's going right now in your mind and simply see things as it "is", Without allowing your mind to conquer it.

Mr White: You mean the brain?

Sparkle: No, the mind. Brain is just physical. Mind is everything that makes you feel, think and perceive or make judgements. As Gurbani, One of the Sikh Spiritual Guru (yes, even they teach this) said, "One who conquers the mind, conquers the world."

Prayer and doing good to others selfless is one way and so is a method of mindfulness, do whichever you like and you see all the secrets of the world unfold to you.

Mr. White: Why should I believe anything you say?

Sparkle: Ofcourse you shoudnt, Try it and test it with your own reason and logic as Swami Vivekanand the famous philosopher and spiritual guru from India said. You need to believe only what you experience and not because you read somewhere. No offense Mr Black, if Bible helps you to keep faith, and that works for you, its the path with same destination too. And Mr. White, If you like not believing anything, the path of mindfulness if for you.

Mr White: You mean to say we are not what we think, Didnt René Descartes, the french philosopher settled it long ago as saying, "I think therefore I am".

Sparkle: Well, he just stopped one step before the last stage, Just like your discussion guys. You have been ruled by the mind all your life. You believe every thought that comes to your mind is "you". You know that little voice in your mind that tells you, "You're late for work, hurry!" Or "Is he saying something rubbish". Yes, I am referring to that voice in your mind that might be even going on right now. If you shut that voice, you can see the divinity unraveled to you.

Mr Black: I dont think you can do that, no one can control their own minds on that level.

Sparkle: Yes, you can. I can show you. Dont try to understand it conceptually. Its to be experienced and not understood.
Take a long and deep breadth and concentrate on it.

Mr White: What?

Sparkle: Do it, Ill show you nothingness right now. Do it!

Take a deep breadth and concentrate on it.

Take one more deep breadth and now feel the air going in your nostrils and also feel the breadth going out in your nostrils.

Do it.

Mr White and Black, both do it.

(P.S. you gotta do it, to know it)

Mr Black: Yeah, I can feel the air in nostrils, now what?

Sparkle: When you were concentrating on your nostrils, what was going on in your mind?

Mr White and Mr Black: Nothing

Sparkle: You both saw your mind doing "nothing". You both saw the mind was quiet. Can we say now, that youre not the mind? You both saw the mind as quiet, something in your was perceiving it. Your mind was blank, and the more you have such blank spots, the more you conquer the mind and release it of all the patterns of thinking. Your quiet the mind, you silence it and dont we know, "Silence is Golden" Try Again.

They try again.

Mr White: Yes, I felt it. It was nothingness and peace.

Mr Black: Yes, and it was joyful and bliss.

Sparkle: The hindus, call it the experiment of asking, "Who Am I", Ask yourself "Who am I" and see where it takes you. There are tons of resources on google on multiple mindfulness technique and even books, so I am not going to teach all of it. But if you read all the books I mentioned above, you will find the absolute truth on divinity.

Mr White: There cant be anything, which we can call, 'absolute'.

Sparkle: You dont have to believe it. Try it and find on your own.

There a difference in knowing the path and walking the path. You know it now, now simply walk and find out. :)

The End :D

If you have any questions, bring it on! :)
