A very good movie

Just saw this at Chicago's Latino Film Festival. Very good. It examines a few months in the life of a young man who's coming to terms with his sexuality. There are no easy answers or predictable endings. Beautiful, painful, often quite funny, just a great film. And the soundtrack is a wonderful intro to rock en espaƱol from the Southern Cone.


Yeah I agree, it's a really good movie. The situations felt reel, you can guess it was written by someonr who experienced the coming out process. Plus, the actors are great, so is the music.
And for a gay-themed movie, it was surprisingly well directed.


This movie was very sweet, sad, and real. I'm interested in gay cinema, and believe me, I've seen some train wrecks! I'm American, and granted, there have been a few good gay-themed movies. But the foreign gay films just have that special something. I forget I'm watching subtitles after the first minute or two.

This was definitely worth watching, and who doesn't love Martin Rodriguez as Leo. He's so cute and sweet.
