Wah do dis?

Why no topics?

Film looks good. Gonna take it in. Will check back here when I do


Ohhhh-kaaaay, where is everyone?

I liked this film, even though the protagonist was awfully naive, haha. And ... despite his being very calm even after his bag, passport, money (everything else, including his clothes!) were stolen.
I'd hightail it to the US Embassy faster than he did, and be far less "chill" about it, too. But then again, if he were in a less good mood, and more desperate about being without ANYTHYING, then ... the film would not have been what it was, either.

Glee = Gayest. Show. E-ver.


I think this movie you have to treat it more like sci fi than reality because it is clear nobody in real life would behave the way he did. Yes people are adventurous and may follow the couple to the beach like he did, even get off the bus and play football... Yess I can believe that, but at the point where he ATTEMPTS to walk to Kingston and follows the old man into the woods... HELLZ NAW!!! At a point you would try to find a way to contact your family or friends to get some money to get a cab or whatever means to get you to kingston... to stay in a hotel to bath, or get some clothes etc!




Yes, basically you and I agree that the fellow who ventured to where he did, was awfully naive and did some things that anyone with any degree of common sense, just WOULD NOT do!
We agree.
I would never leave my backpack on some beach and ask perfect and total strangers to look after it, in other words. Yeah, I mean .... please.

The more Ken Loach films I try to see, the more I think they need subtitles!


I saw the film and liked it, though. I wasn't sorry that I went to see it. I had a good time scoping out the locales and seeing Jamaica. That was the most fun for me. I might ne-ver get to go there, in other words ......

The more Ken Loach films I try to see, the more I think they need subtitles!


I enjoyed it. Nice film :)
