MovieChat Forums > BioShock 2 (2010) Discussion > Little Sisters cry next to Big Daddy inf...

Little Sisters cry next to Big Daddy infinitely....

I was playing last night in the level after the amusements (I am making slow progress, I know). After I killed the first big daddy I adopted the little sister. Then I went into the next room and killed the second big daddy who also had a little sister. I didn't really think about it at the time but then there was the predicament that there was a spare little sister as I already had adopted one. It was really disturbing since she just stood and cried next to the big daddy. She was still there much later. Also, its interesting to note no one attacked her. So it's only a plot threat to the little sister, then.

How I attacked this issue was I got the ADAM from the two bodies and set the other free, then went and picked up the original one. However, it really felt like a fault in the game because it was 20 mins later and she was still crying next to the big daddy and nothing had touched her.

Am I supposed to rescue my little sister if I have two available to me? I saw it as I needed to use her to get max Adam before I did this, but it felt very weird and departing from the story to leave another one waiting for me.


No power in the 'verse can stop me.


Like in the 1st game, ever level has multiple little Sisters. And it's ultimately your choice how to deal with them. You can split it and save half and harvest half, but you only get the good ending if you save all of them. Its all your choice.

\m/ METAL \m/


Did you read the OP? That wasn't the question or the issue.

The issue was that if you accidentally kill a big daddy (you hit him accidentally while fighting someone, react to him and defeat him) then you have the dilemma where you already have a little sister who hasn't fully realised her ADAM gathering potential- yet there is also another little sister crying next to her big daddy til you come and get her. I doubt anyone would save a Little Sister before you've gathered 2/2 ADAM.

Ergo- it doesn't add up plot wise.

No power in the 'verse can stop me.



The reason for that was explained by Elanor late in the game.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.


yeah I accidentally hit a big daddy with a little sister when i was attacking a splicer but I already had a little sister with me at the time so I left her got rid of the other one and came back and she was still there crying so I adopted her and for some reason I could hear her still crying but her face was happy even when she was harvesting adam I could still hear her crying which is weird must be a glitch or something.




Ha, that's funny, it obviously sounds like a glitch making the little sister repeat what she does initially after her Big Daddy since I think the developers were expecting the player to pick up the little sister immediately after the Big Daddy is killed, I thought that the Big Daddy would respawn or worse the Little Sister would disappear if the Big Daddy was killed and the player would leave the area to harvest some bodies, so I always killed the Big Daddy and collect the next little sister after I saved the previous one and no longer carried her.


same thing happened to me, I was so annoyed from that sobbing that I saved my first little sister without letting her gather her ADAM... Delta can obviously carry only one at the time, but it's not necessary to let all of them collect their ADAM from dead splicers, you get enough plasmids anyway - at least on mid level

A man builds. A parasite asks "Where is my share?" - Andrew Ryan
