MovieChat Forums > BioShock 2 (2010) Discussion > Who else was disappointed with no twist?

Who else was disappointed with no twist?

I kept thinking something was up with sinclair, but there was no twist. The developers said before the game was realized there would be a really surprising twist. I was excited because I love plot twists and Bioshock 1s twist amazed me. And what was there? Nothing

"Do you like how brutality feels Mark?"- Jigsaw

Pamela Jenkins for Life





I was just a little bit.....the entire time I was waiting for Sinclair to turn on me, or for someone from the first game to have faked their own death, or for me to figure out my real identity, or that the Big Sister you fight in the game was Eleanor the whole time, etc. But alas, nothing of the sort happened. I loved the storyline, though. The game did fine without the twists of the first, imo.

You can't spell 'Slaughter' without 'Laughter'!


I'm OK with no plot twist, as long as the story is good (and it was).

If they keep trying to put in a plot twist simply because the first game had a great one, I think they'd fall into the M. Night Shyamalan trap and put in a half-a$$ed twist just to say that there's one in the game.

Besides, I think that not having a twist was a kind of twist itself. All through the game, I kept expecting Sinclair to turn against me, or for Eleanor to be somebody (or something) else. When Sinclair didn't turn and he reappeared as a Big Daddy still trying to help even through the conditioning, that was still a twist simply because I wasn't expecting him to have been honest with me from the beginning.


yeah, I had the same feeling about Sinclair turning on me, just had it in his voice; plus, he seemed to have the same mannerisms as Atlas/Fontaine from the first game. Everytime he came over the radio, I thought, "OK, here comes the screw-over."

Close only counts with horseshoes, hand grenades, and thermo-nuclear weapons.


I'm actually really glad that didn't happen, would have been WAY too obvious. I think everyone who played the first game was watching Sinclair pretty close, but think about it, if he would have turned on us, people would have complained that the games two stories were far too similar.

I actually had a crazy idea when I started playing, I thought that Delta was going to turn out to be Andrew Ryan(That was of coarse before I knew about Elenor rigging the Vita-chambers to Delta's DNA.) You see I thought maybe, just MAYBE, that Delta was Ryan and he didn't even know it, that Johnny Top-side was dead and that somehow Ryan ended up in the suit for some crazy reason. I kept thinking, how the hell is he using Vita-chambers if he isn't Ryan or Jack?
I know they said in the first game Ryan's Vita-chamber was turned off, and he was dead, but I so wanted this. Ryan is by far one of my favorite characters in this game, and to see his return realised as being Subject Delta, ironically fighting his old rival Lamb... That would have been amazing... Far-fetched I know, but amazing.



That happened to me, too! But mine was actually a totally complicated theory because of my paranoia from the first game.
Like I kept thinking everything felt WAAAYYY too familiar. You wake up in a random area and get a plasmid for no real reason at all, and Tenenbaum was using most of the same words Atlas had in the beginning, just with different names. Plus little subtle things like how you are told while you're going up an elevator that you need to get to somewhere on the complete other side of Rapture...stuff like that. And when Sinclair just comes out and into the train and the splicers come out and attack you? I was so ready to see an explosion like with Atlas.
So I had jumped straight to the conclusion that Sinclair was another Fontaine and you were a Jack prototype or something he stumbled upon and decided to use to kill Sofia Lamb.
The first game brought a whole new level of insane out of me...


I agree with you completely. I was also sceptical of Sinclair and constantly trying to fit conveluted theories in to how the twist at the end would manifest. Everyone was looking for a twist at the end, but nothing could do for everyone what the twist in the first game did. Also, similarly to what I said in another thread earlier, this game's ideals and the messages that seep throughout it are the exact opposite of the previous game: Ryan is an individualist vs Lamb a collectivist. Killing everyone in your way vs having the choice to spare them. Being a fragile human who fell into this world vs having lived in this world and known it's secrets and slowly remembering them. I loved how this game tread the thin line of keeping the feel of the original game while flipping the values of the antagonist on it's head.

It's gunna be bloody,
Head up, Billy Buddy,
It's time for no mercy...
.....Here goes no mercy..


Sinclair was one of the few selfless people left in Rapture. I think everyone expected him to go crooked, especially after encountering such an obviously dodgy character like Stanley Poole. What I was surprised about was apparently how easy it is to get into Rapture. How the hell did Mark Meltzer find Rapture!?



*Spoilers* I'm SOOO glad they didn't go with a plot twist, especially since everyone and their mother would have seen it coming after playing the first game. Instead, we're given a character reveal that's very heartbreaking (after he gets transformed into a Big Daddy and convinces you to kill him). He's the inverse of Fontaine, a greedy businessman who's very frank with his morals who turns out to be a good person at the end of the game.

