MovieChat Forums > BioShock 2 (2010) Discussion > Alex the Great (Yes, spoiler)

Alex the Great (Yes, spoiler)

I personally thought that was the best part of the game. 2nd best part would be playing as a Little Sister. That guy really made the game for me.


He was kind of like a poor man's Cohen to me.

Time to hurt demon feelings!-




I loved how I can honestly can't decide which is the moral choice, to kill him or let him live

playing the game the first time I wanted to get the good ending so I let everyone live except Alex, I figured that letting him live as a big blob of flesh was crueler than putting him out of his misery so I killed him

I don't think it mattered though because I still got the good ending

back in 98 I did a titty comedy for Skinemax. Sex Camp, ya remember it?



Speaking of Good ol' Gil, just what the heck is he supposed to be now? I just see an amorphous mass of flesh is his little tank but some people say he's a giant head or a squid-looking thing. Sucks that you don't get a good enough look at him.



This is what the model of Alexander in the tank looks like at full.


I loved Alex the Great.

"I designed that device, Delta. Yet you fumble at it like an amorous baboon!"


"Surprise Delta, ahahahahahaaaaa!"


"Fired. Fired! FIRED!"


I especially love the scene where Delta is asked to be mercy killed by a recording of Alexander even if he pleads for his life but the game really wants you to be merciful of him if you want the good ending, I actually killed him on my first play-through thinking it was the right thing to do but you are supposed to let him live if you want Eleanor to spare Sofia at the end. Also I liked how the little sister views Rapture like the corpses being viewed as "angels" and everything looking classy.



I think I got the good ending anyway, even though I killed Stanley Poole and Alexander.


agree, he calls himself Alex the Great & has to live in a deepwater basin - ha ha ha, that's what I call loss of reality

A man builds. A parasite asks "Where is my share?" - Andrew Ryan
