Truth about Cops

I live in Broward County, and our local paper printed the salaries of the Broward Sherrif deputies. With base and overtime they make over $100k. What a waste of money. Our police force is corrupt and only harasses poor people who are addicts. Those addicts should be treated as sick patients instead of criminals. The cops pick easy targets because they are afraid of getting shot. I have never seen these cops search for missing children, murderers, or rapists. They only hang around the ghetto and try to bust a homeless man for possession of a single crack rock.


Yeah, I brought this up in a post I made in the other thread. It seems the cops on this show only arrest people who are drug addicts (seriously? They're not hurting anyone) or they set up innocent men only to bust them for soliciting a prostitute. There are far worse things going on out there to arrest people for - raping someone, murdering someone, robbing a bank, things like that.

So sad that homeless people get arrested for possession of drugs. I've heard homeless people mention that they do drugs as an escape because living on the streets is so miserable. They know doing the drugs is bad for them and against the law. It's unfortunate that there aren't enough homeless shelters in this country that stay open all year long (not just the holidays) to help get homeless people off the streets.

My Movies:


I live in Broward County, and our local paper printed the salaries of the Broward Sherrif deputies. With base and overtime they make over $100k. What a waste of money. Our police force is corrupt and only harasses poor people who are addicts. Those addicts should be treated as sick patients instead of criminals. The cops pick easy targets because they are afraid of getting shot. I have never seen these cops search for missing children, murderers, or rapists. They only hang around the ghetto and try to bust a homeless man for possession of a single crack rock

First of all, before you open your mouth, you should do a little research. The reason the cops on this show "only" go after drug addicts( who are such wonderful people and deserver our sympathy) is because they are part of the narcotics unit. Therefore their job is to do anything they can to get the drugs off the street. But because the person who started this thread(and anyone who agrees with them) is so ignorant I wouldnt expect you to know that police departments are divided into units i.e. narcotics,sexual assault,domestic abuse,homicide,etc.

Second of all, if the cops were "afraid of getting shot" they wouldnt be in the law enforcement in the first place. Now, I know who's afraid of getting shot, YOU. I will bet a million dollars that you arent and you wouldnt be a cop, because you are a coward. They hang around the "ghetto" because, I dont know if you were informed but thats where the crime usually is. Oh and cops are also assigned certain places to patrol, I wouldnt expect you to know that either. Thats why you always see them there, because maybe thats their assigned area.

Now, I dont know where you got this information that they get paid $100k, but so what if they did. No one seems to have a problem with actors or athletes that get paid millions and they aren't exposed to a fraction of the danger that cops are. That being said, I think that you should refrain yourself from dailing 911 any time you have a problem because the people that are going to come help you are a waste of money according to you.


Very good points. Perhaps the newspaper did report they make that much, but this website states differently-,-FL.html

According to this, they are actually underpaid. They do an incredibly brave, demanding job, and that salary hardly compensates what they do.



I was surprised with the brutality of the Mexican female cop and her cohorts when they tasered the teenager selling drugs for just wanting his dad off the ground- after they tackled the dad for nothing.

I support the Police but I don't support brutality. That force was unnecessary. Perhaps they should be repeatedly tasered before they dish it out so haphazardly.


I live in Broward County, and our local paper printed the salaries of the Broward Sherrif deputies. With base and overtime they make over $100k. What a waste of money. Our police force is corrupt and only harasses poor people who are addicts. Those addicts should be treated as sick patients instead of criminals. The cops pick easy targets because they are afraid of getting shot. I have never seen these cops search for missing children, murderers, or rapists. They only hang around the ghetto and try to bust a homeless man for possession of a single crack rock.

Harass addicts? I'm sorry, what?

Hey look, I'm not one of these people who denies police brutality. I'm not always on the side of the cop. Not even close. But to paint them as bad guys for going after actual addicts, WTF? I'd even agree with you if you were talking about harassing someone who fit a certain profile, but didn't do anything. But you specified addicts, which already indicates they are doing something illegal and dangerous.

I DO agree with you addicts need treatment. But you can't place nicey nice with them all the time. You walk up to an addict and say "Hey, I'm not going to arrest you, but asking if you are interesting in signing yourself up for treatment" I bet most wouldn't give a damn at all. It needs to be a dual process. Arrest/punishment and rehabilitation.


Yeah, it's pretty depressing that my older sister watches this mindnumbing garbage and actually wants to get into law enforcement. I love how the police women brag about how they got a weed dealer off the street and how the neighborhood is safe again. Yeah right, if the dealer was a white person she probably would have ignored him. And it was JUST weed, not crack not heroin... I *beep* hate it when they call weed dope like its some kind of filthy, highly addictive drug or something.



How many people in your line of work get shot at? How many have to wrestle burglers, rapists, murderers, people with drug needles--HIV to the ground? The police deserve what they get paid. And guess what? Their salaries aren't $100K--they usually earn that with overtime, which is cheaper than paying another salary for an additional officer. These cops work during holidays, all night, bad weather, hurricanes--all when your home safe in bed.


Cops dont get shot at Paisley. I have more of a chance of getting shot at when I am walking around downtown FTL because 10 cops are busy busting a prostitute from craigslist. Here are facts showing police work is not as dangerous as other professions, . Being a fisherman is more dangerous than being a cop. The cops in Broward work 4 days a week. Stop making up lies Paisley. Cops rarely "wrestle burglers, rapists, murderers, people with drug needles--HIV to the ground". THAT IS WHY PEOPLE ARE UPSET. Cops dont do real police work, they investigate and entrap for small crimes. The violent crime rate in Broward is high compared to the rest of the US. Paisley, you are the reason cops get away with robbing the taxpaying citizen, you want protection from a non-existent boogey man who coughs AIDS.


Visit and get a look at just home many Florida cops have been killed in the last 4 years alone
You sound like a typical criminal who hates cos, just saying...


Thanks for some intelligent, relevant, and informed posts amidst all this anti-authority crap, Paisley. Perhaps if these weren`t all over-privileged, middle-class folks who live in safe neighbourhoods and haven`t seen the blight that a drug den or crack house can wreak on good, hard-working poor people and their surrounding area, they wouldn`t be so quick to condemn the cops and give a pass to the drug dealers and addicts. When they have busted blindly into a drug den to arrest a crack dealer who has hundreds of thousands of $$$ worth of product and is armed to the teeth willing to kill anyone who threatens their stash, maybe they can judge. Until then, they should STFU.



Visit and get a look at just home many Florida cops have been killed in the last 4 years alone
You sound like a typical criminal who hates cos, just saying...


I respect the cops who rid neighborhoods of crack houses and the dealers/gangs that run them and risk their lives to do so.You can't pay person like that enough money.The problem that I have with Andrea and Ana is that they really don't do that,by far and large they pop the dime a dozen small time dealers/users.Andrea always acts like she deserves a medal and Ana always has to show what a tough biatch she is for the camera,even bullying those who don't really deserve it.


You make a good point, joseph-hagee. I think much of the ire directed at the cops on this show is because of the show of `bravado`that they put on (which, incidentally is not for the sake of the cameras, IMO, but more for their own self-confidence to pump themselves up in what is undeniably a dangerous job). I think many who have put down the cops on this board do so because it is the idea of putting them in their place, and not allowing their egos to run amok. I don`t disagree with that, because I completely agree cops can have huge egos. In this case, however, I have to question whether there would be as much vitriol toward them if these cops were male.



In this case, however, I have to question whether there would be as much vitriol toward them if these cops were male.

I don't think it's based on sex at all. I think it's based on the critics on this board don't like authority plain and simple.


I respect the cops who rid neighborhoods of crack houses and the dealers/gangs that run them and risk their lives to do so.You can't pay person like that enough money.The problem that I have with Andrea and Ana is that they really don't do that,by far and large they pop the dime a dozen small time dealers/users.Andrea always acts like she deserves a medal and Ana always has to show what a tough biatch she is for the camera,even bullying those who don't really deserve it.

Cops uphold the law. You cannot blame them for busting a pot dealer. They're only doing what they are told. They don't make the law.

Not to mention, it is not true about bothering poor innocent drug dealers. They've shown a few larger scale busts.


I don't have any problem with them busting the small timers,every little bit helps.I was just responding to the person who said that many cops put their lives on the line shutting down crack houses and the gangs who run them,and while I agree with that statement,Ana and Andrea pretty much nail the small time dealers/users.I'm glad they do,I don't think drug dealers are innocent,but to be honest that's who they primarily go after.Even Andrea said the more sophisticated ones text each other about the cop's presence.


I don't have any problem with them busting the small timers,every little bit helps.I was just responding to the person who said that many cops put their lives on the line shutting down crack houses and the gangs who run them,and while I agree with that statement,Ana and Andrea pretty much nail the small time dealers/users.I'm glad they do,I don't think drug dealers are innocent,but to be honest that's who they primarily go after.Even Andrea said the more sophisticated ones text each other about the cop's presence.

Even if they aren't big time, the cops lives are still on the line. Do you honestly believe the only dealers who carry weapons are the non small time dealers? Of course not. Hell, just last week they busted a guy for pot who threw a gun into the bushes.

And 2 or 3 episodes ago they raided a house of a pretty big deal. The one who was running a lab out of his mom's house.


I believe that every time a cop gets out of their car on a call their lives are at some degree of risk.Further,I realize there are small timers that carry guns,but the guys they bust from what we've seen are all about ditching the drugs and running,not shooting it out.As for the guy you mentioned,he was dealing out of his Mom's house,and even though he a rifle in the house he offered no resistance.


So what? They didn't shoot that time. That doesn't mean they never will. They have the gun, which indicates some willingness to go down with a fight if ever pushed to that point.

How often have you chased after someone with a gun? Or ran into a house knowing you're going to arrest people with weapons on them?

Christ, I wish my city was this proactive about breaking up drug-related operations. Small time or not. I know people and houses who deal and they go untouched for YEARS. These cops actually seek it out. And you want to fault them for it?


wrong... overtime is NEVER cheaper than another officer.


Ofcourse they work overtime on holidays, it is their job. They get compensated fat for it as well. I have no symphony for overpayed individuals who get funded by my tax dollars. If I call the police on christmas day they better damn well show up, it's a service we pay for.

Plenty of jobs are dangerous, big deal.


Blah blah...people keep mentioning how some police officers might make above 100K through some sketchy overtime garbage, but those days are dwindling

As many cities face budget shortfalls these overtime luxuries will diminish.

And at the end of the day 100K wont even buy you a decent thanks I would rather become a REAL professional (Doctor, lawyer, etc)


And at the end of the day 100K wont even buy you a decent thanks I would rather become a REAL professional (Doctor, lawyer, etc)

And how's that working out for you, Doctor? Talking big about becoming one of those professionals doesn't mean much if you can't, don't, or haven't followed through and actually done it. If it was that easy, everyone would do it.

And btw, a six figure salary can pay the mortgage on a very decent house. Considering that the median income is something like 40-50 K per year for an average family, under your calculations there would be a LOT more homeless people than there are currently. 100 K works out to something like 8K per month gross, probably about $4800 per month net/take-home. If you can't figure out a way to pay your mortgage and live off that, then you are either very unintelligent, living way beyond your means, or likely a combination of the two. STFU unless you are willing to engage in serious discussion and critical thinking, because you are adding nothing to it with posts like that.

SIG: something


Yeah, it's pretty depressing that my older sister watches this mindnumbing garbage and actually wants to get into law enforcement

Got a problem with law enforcement? I THANK them for keeping dirt bags off the street. How wonderful that you support her...

Remember, remember, the Fifth of November...


Why is this topic titled "truth about cops" when it's just more anti-authority garbage that pretends stuff involving drugs and prostitution are victimless crimes? If you really want to do something useful then get your local politicians to legalize these drugs and set up legal brothels in your town. Or you can try to convince them to ship all the cops to South America, the Middle East, or whatever country the drug lords hang out so they can get to the source of the problem and not harass the poor, harmless local drug dealers?

Of course you're never going to do that because it's easy to just hate cops for upholding the law rather than taking the necessary steps to change the law itself. Also, anyone who thinks drugs and prostitution have nothing to do with missing children, murderers, or rapists are unbelievably ignorant.



Knock. Knock. Who's there? Stupidest thread in the universe.



