Is this a tremors rip-off?

For anyone who has seen it? And is it a good or bad rip off of tremors?


Yes it is, and a quite terrible one.

It's sort of the same quality movie as Screamers: The Hunting. That is, not good enaugh to be laughable, and not cheesy enaugh to be fun.


i love tremor,& i would like to see a good remake.but one is not here.



BTW, Kevin Bacon claimed credit for that movie being good -- apparently, according to him, when they approached him about being in it they were thinking of making a "serious" movie. He told them if they wanted him to make fun of it, and, whether he was the genesis of it as he claims or not, the result is a classic.

It sounds like a re-watch of Tremors would be a better time expenditure than watching this.
