Is Sean using Botox?

Sean's face looked a little Botoxed up in this abysmal movie.


Something was going on. The area around his eyes was puffy-looking.


Between this movie and BoonDock Saints II...he is looking mighty different. I swear I didn't even RECOGNIZE him right off the bat in BD2...I thought they recasted him...with sunglasses on, he looks like him, but without, he's looking a bit "poofy"...supposedly he had some kind of medical thing during the filming of BD2, but I think its bullshoot...likely botox!

Black Waters: 6/10
Insanitarium: 7/10
Meadowoods: 5/10
Ketchum's Girl Next Door:7/10


It would seem that has succumbed to the joys of botox, not that he has anythinkg good to preserve from aging...

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