Eh, just another OK movie

Nothing spectacular. The other Oscar nominations weren't THAT much better, but two of them were. I enjoyed Toy Story 3 and The Social Network more, so one of those two probably should have won out of the nominations. I definitely enjoyed this movie more than Inception though, I honestly hated that movie, utterly boring.

The chemistry between the King and Lionel is good, but not great. I didn't feel like these two characters became friends until the VERY end of the movie, I'm not a huge fan of that. I never got the impression that there was anything to their relationship previously other than a purely professional one. That's not good.

Other than that, I don't have any other major complaints. Movies can bore me very easily, so the fact that this one kept my attention for the most part throughout is a good sign.


Your standards are pretty high, Newonic. Didn't you feel compassion and hope for the King character?
I felt the film-makers kind of took that we would, for granted, and didn't force it (except for the over-done crying scene).
This film expects us to rejoice at the end, which I did but I can see that if you don't, it (the ending) doesn't mean an awful lot.

"Did you make coffee...? Make it!"--Cheyenne.


Actually yes I did. I wanted him to improve, but I never got the impression that he was improving. He seemed consistently bad throughout the movie. I wish there was more evidence that he was actually getting better to keep the viewer rooting for him.
