Just watched it...

... and I liked it. I liked it more than I thought I will.

Royal family. Some like it. Some don't. I don't care much, but I can accept the fact that there are people in UK who really care about their royal family.

But this is a movie that shows that they are just people too. They have flaws. They are scared.

Bertie, 2nd son, no one expect him to become king. All people are looking into David as next in line. Bertie, at least his family thought, was in need of few corrections, left-handed, sickly probably (problems with legs, rachitis maybe - childhood disease caused by deficiency of vitamin D) - they probably triggered his stammer.

In time of need they could not rely on 1st son, self confident and selfish, but on 2nd one, the one they treated very ill as a child. Luckily, he had a good wife and found good friend who helped him to rise to the occasion his birth forced upon him.

And he became inspiration for his people.

I just loved this line: "In the past all a King had to do was look respectable in uniform and not fall off his horse."

“You love me. Real or not real?”
