Churchill and Stalin

Does the film show anything of the hand kissing Churchill did to Stalin?

What was Bertie's reaction to this? Because didn't Stalin's party kill his cousins?

Please help me out on this.

Take care friends.

im tokyo joe and i know tokyo


Does the film show anything of the hand kissing Churchill did to Stalin?

The short answer is "No".
TKS is not really concerned with Churchill, and - as described in other threads - his representation in the film is for the most part historically-inaccurate (e.g. in real life Churchill was originally opposed to Edward/David's abdication).


The hand kissing episode didn't occur until four years later at the Tehran conference in 1943. The closing scene of TKS is set at the outset of the war, before Churchill had been appointed Prime Minister.


Also, Stalin wasn't in charge of those Commie bastahds at the time of the execution of the Royals. Lenin was.


Though its true that George V refused to meet with representatves of the Sioviet Union. GeorgeV and Nicholas were first cousins and bore a striking resemblance.


So the king gave a speech declaring war on Germany for invading Poland. But the Soviet Union also invaded Poland on September 17 1939 in keeping with the nazi-soviet pact to divide that country. Britain did not declare war on the USSR - The British went to war against Hitler and gave Stalin a free pass. The same Stalin who committed the Katyn massacre -


The British were not stupid enough to get themselves further into the mire. Germany was going to be a tough enough enemy on her own. It would have been madness for the British to start on the Soviets as well. That's what Hitler did. Picked too many fights at the same time and ended up losing. The British and French reasoned it would be possible to defeat Germany, but not both Germany and the USSR together. Then, once Germany is defeated they would then look at the situation again and perhaps the Soviets might have pulled out of Poland.


The British government knew exactly what type of leader Stalin was. They knew he was a mass murdering tyrant from the early 1930's when the deliberate starvation of the Ukrainians was occurring - They also knew about his slave labor camps in the gulag. Yet instead of withdrawing from the war in May 1941 and accepting Hitler's peace proposal to withdraw all German troops from France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Greece and Yugoslavia in return for cessation of hostilities they chose to accept this same mass murdering Stalin as an ally. y-World-War-II-meant-selling-Russians.html Everything the morally bankrupt British government condemned in Hitler - dictatorship, one party state, concentration camps, secret police, press censorship - it supported in Stalin.


Wow, not a good thing to read when I am trying to finish the last volume of the Manchester biography of Churchill…

But I have been a little annoyed by what I consider his unfair portrayal of Roosevelt as compared to Churchill (neither was perfect God knows, but he gives WC a pass while criticizing FDR for similar things). And it also seems like Reid (the guy who took over when Manchester was too sick to finish the last volume) kind of has his head a little too far up WC's behind.


When it came to appeasing Stalin Roosevelt was just as bad as Churchill if not worse -
