BBC Week 1 2011

According to the BBC press office Laconia will air Week 1 2011( no date yet)


6th January! Cannot wait! Wish the BBC would release a trailer though!


Here is a link for the episode on BBC Two website:

I'm really looking forward to this, it's going to be a real treat to watch! Looks like a really high quality production!


More Andrew heaven and an amazing story to boot.

What a great start to 2011, really, really can't wait. Plus German actors are incredible.



My late father was in the RAF. Many a film or TV drama about WW2 would be spoilt (for the family and, no doubt, for him as well) by him shouting furiously at the screen as he observed some historical or technical inaccuracy. (Although he really liked the film The Battle of Britain. Then it would be me who would bemoan the sixties' hairstyles.)
I think we have to be philosophical here. These events are nearly 70 years old. Mistakes are going to be made. Unless they are unforgiveably glaring, can't they just be overlooked? Isn't it better to throw some light on a little-known incident (well, little-known to me), with some technical inaccuracies, than not at all?

If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.



Im glad I know little of the mistakes you point out. For me, this was an excellent piece of television. Perhaps we are so spoiled by the multi-million dollar movies, that it is difficult to be impressed by the scope of this tv production, that must be limited by budget. Its good that this little known incident is getting some attention.


Good point about the budget, GI100.

If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.

