MovieChat Forums > Collapse (2011) Discussion > For the truth about Ruppert, please read...

For the truth about Ruppert, please read Dave McGowan

His newsletters can be found at It's spread out over a few newsletters. (Please note that his site goes down from time to time when it exceeds its bandwidth limits; just try later if you get an error page.)

Here is a Google link to some helpful search results for McGowan's Ruppert work: p;am p;gs_l=hp.3...542.9339.0.9490. ...1c.1.16.psy-ab.a9EM3mdK3KA&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm= bv.47534661,d.aWM&fp=2f45833179edba2e&biw=1024&bih=580

He even has a heated e-mail debate with the guy. Very interesting stuff.


We faked the Moon landing? Really?

I'm glad that stuff was on the first page, because it saved me time.

I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.
- Jon Stewart


I've never understood why such a notion is so implausible to its detractors.

There is nothing about faking the moon landing that would be physically or scientifically impossible. The two main arguments of people that think the landings are real are "it would be too expensive" and "someone would have said something."

Never mind the fact that America could afford it or that everyone on the Manhattan Project and most black projects since were able to keep their mouth shut.

Compartmentalization is impossible, right? Never mind the fact that intelligence agencies have been using it since their birth, so such techniques were well understood.

And I rather think most people truly in the know would think twice about saying something if they knew their whole family would be disappeared to a black site if they did...


There were people all over the Earth who were amateur radio hobbyists. In July on 1969 many of them pointed their receivers at the Moon. The transmissions of Michael, Neil, and Buzz were indeed coming from the Moon.

You know who else pointed radio receivers at Earth's only natural satellite? The Soviet Union. If they'd had any evidence the landings were faked, the whole world would know. You can said that the astronauts were threatened into staying quiet, but the Soviet Union? And the British? And the French? And the Australians? And the...
Well, you get the idea.

I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.
- Jon Stewart
