Very Mature Film

When will Disney do the same?

Please Discuss


Clearly you missed the first Captain America movie.

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.


That was before Disney took over the films though.



True technically not a Disney film.

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Yeah, I can't see where hero's getting shot, showing civilians getting murdered, the attempt at murdering millions by Hydra, hanging a man upside down to drown in a sink filling with water is mature at all.


Yeah, I can't see where hero's getting shot, showing civilians getting murdered, the attempt at murdering millions by Hydra, hanging a man upside down to drown in a sink filling with water is mature at all.

The shot was quickly fast forward, could hardly see it. They lacked proper portrayal and visuals.
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As opposed to anything this movie showed?

I'm not comparing superhero movies to Hitchcock movies, but as Hitchcock proved, you don't have to show every last detail to have it be suspenseful.


It was better than The Force Awakens.


It was better than The Force Awakens.

Far better. Force Awaken was just Episode 4 with a female lead.

Fantastic Four 2015 was creative, imaginative and bold.

Please Discuss


What did it create or imagine? Just a different way to tell the origins, and not even an interesting one at that. A bunch of emo scientists who have no problem becoming weapons for the government and yet another stupid origin for Dr. Doom that gives him living metal skin instead of his brilliant suit he designed.


How is Johnny Storm an Emo?

Please Discuss


What did it create or imagine?


Kylo Ren was a bigger emo than anyone in this movie.


Is this a joke? TFA and Episode 4, despite similarities, are both about 100x better than this steaming pile of miscast, poorly scripted and uninspiring nonsense. Discuss that...


I agree it was very mature.


I'd really like to know, in what way is this movie mature? Traditional Reed is the dictionary definition of maturity, but Teller's version behaves like a spoiled adolescent.

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.


Lol How was Fantastic Four a very mature movie?

Please Discuss


He won't. That isn't the trolling way.


Dark gritty color for dramatic effect.

If you want convincing and developing characters, a well written script, good dialogues, an excellent cast, a great musical score and an attitude that rejects the militaristic habitus in general, this one is for you.

This is storytelling without telling too much. We have four troubled kids, but their background is not overdrawn at all. There are just some little hints: the impressive face of Miles Teller and the laconic remark "My parents weren't interested" tell a story that needs no staged melodrama. Likewise the problematic relation between Johnny Storm and his father.

Talking about Johnny Storm: the movie makers made him afro-American and used the character to illustrate the perfidious habit of the US military to enlist young black men with poor social background and dull prospects.

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In other words, it was a boring, devoid of color, snoozefest which reminded you of DC's movies.

Talking about Johnny Storm: the movie makers made him afro-American and used the character to illustrate the perfidious habit of the US military to enlist young black men with poor social background and dull prospects.

Stick it up your azz, *beep* The military has provided countless opportunities and avenues of wealth for black men and women. The liberals and their racist policies have kept the blacks begging at the table for the scraps liberal toss them. The military gives black men a chance to grow as a person, see something other than the thugs in their hometowns, go to school and learn a skill.

No one whines about how the military used to be that avenue for immigrants, and that was before all of the benefits offered to the military.

If more black men and women would join the military our society would be better as a whole. They'd see that there is more than just the thug life and would reject the ganster life.


Lol I'm still waiting for how,the movie was mature


Basically it is because it is a boring, dull colored, not true to the characters movies. In other words, a snooze-fest like The Dull Knight and The Dull Knight Rests.


Dark Knight and Dark Knight rises have higher praise than every single MCU movie in existence.
Please Discuss


Still waiting for this to be answered. What did it create or imagine?

Please Discuss


It broke ground as being dark and gritty. It re imagined the fantastic four in modern times same way how Disney is re imaging Spider-Man with a black Mary Jane and white female Ancient One.

Please Discuss


It broke ground as being dark and gritty.

Batman 1989
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight Rises

Also, "dark and gritty" does not automatically equal "good."

It re imagined the fantastic four in modern times

Which doesn't mean it was good. They became whiny millennials who we couldn't feel anything for since they chose to become weapons.

same way how Disney is re imaging Spider-Man with a black Mary Jane and white female Ancient One.

Neither one of those are important to the main characters.


a black Mary Jane

I believe this is presently considered a rumor.

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.


The best thing I can say about Dark Knight Rises is no mention of Martha.

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.


Dark gritty color for dramatic effect.

I honestly don't know if you believe this drivel, or if you're just trolling. Frankly, I don't know what's worse. But for the record, dark and gritty does not equal quality. Its perfectly suitable for film noir, but for a super hero movie its just lazy and pretentious.

If you want convincing and developing characters,

I would love that. But this movie doesn't have a single convincing or developed character. Unless of course, sullen, arrogant and disloyal is your definition of good characterization.
a well written script, good dialogues,

If only.

an excellent cast,

I've seen worse, I've seen better.
a great musical score

Really? Not to my ear. Perhaps we have different taste in music.

and an attitude that rejects the militaristic habitus in general, this one is for you.

I didn't see any rejection from Johhny or Ben. We are talking about the Fan4stic aren't we?

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.
