Oh dear!

I'm afraid I thought Jane Horrocks was terribly miscast. She came across as prim and pixie-like, rather than solid and down-to-earth. Horrocks is considered a good vocal impersonator (viz "Little Voice") but her singing, though decorated with the appropriate mannerisms, is terribly underpowered (especially in the higher register - where Fields was glass-shatteringly strong) and so doesn't resemble Fields where it actually counts.

I couldn't help but think that Maxine Peake would have been a better bet, casting-wise - capable of conveying a more solid toughness - though someone else may have had to dub the singing (?)

Call me Ishmael...



Well, you can't please everyone. I have to confess that I'm not really a Jane Horrocks fan, period. I don't feel she has enough charisma to carry a piece like this, especially when she has to portray a very characterful show-biz star. But I think she's fine in supporting roles ... like Ab Fab. And it was actually the documentary that made me think of Maxine Peake; I think she would have had the grittiness I missed in Horrocks.

Tom was OK - I found him more appealing than the nominal star - though I had an eensy weensy bit of a problem with his accent and coudn't quite believe that he was Italian. I liked him much better as George V in The Lost Prince.

Call me Ishmael...


I thought Tom Hollander was great! Very endearing.
Could Maxine Peake sing though? Jane Horrocks might not have the grittiness but she's a safe pair of hands when it comes to carrying a tune.


In addition, Horrocks is the current partner of the piece's writer, Nick Vivian, so I expect it was written with her in mind for the lead.


Oh. That, perhaps, explains everything.

I've just been watching the third of the trilogy: Margot. Much better, I thought. Anne-Marie Duff is a stronger presence and subtler performer; the script was much better; and it was nicely directed etc. The hubby wasn't so hot, though, and his accent was beyond dreadful.

Call me Ishmael...


I would have thought that having an actor being able to sing as well as Gracie Fields would be a given before even considering such a production. JH was able to get the style right but needed a little more practice to get those ringing top notes. I agree she was a bit lacking in voice quality.
Having said that, I thought she was convincing in the role. However I'm not really qualified to judge that as I'm not familiar enough with what GF was like. Tom Hollander was fine in his role. I thought the best character was her pianist Harry... which probably isn't saying a whole lot.
