MovieChat Forums > Kimssi pyoryugi (2009) Discussion > So how did female Kim end up like that?

So how did female Kim end up like that?

The general consensus on this board seems to be that she was always like this. However, I got the impression while watching the film that she had been in an accident 3 years prior which instigated her social anxiety. The main reason I had for this was her hair. You can see she used to have highlights, so I assumed she used to be one of these glamour girls that she is so desperately trying to convey to anonymous interneters.

As for the comment on her website which says 'I used to know her, here is a picture' and her whole dropping out of school, I think this could have still taken place after the accident (if there was one).


The two of you killed everything I ever loved. **** you both.


I'm not sure what you mean... I don't remember those parts, maybe the English version left them out. But I do wonder about the scars on her face.


The whole time watching this movie I thought she was living like that because of that rash/disease on her face, which tainted her ideal of beauty so much that she preferred creating a "better", more beautiful self via the internet while living as she did. Those blond hair tips shown at the end really support your idea that she was a glamor girl. I think it was losing her beauty that turned her the way we saw her later, which perfectly fits your explanation.


Thanks for the reply.

Great film. I've got to rewatch it.

The two of you killed everything I ever loved. **** you both.


I always assumed she was injured somehow because of the burn on her forehead and the fact that older pictures of her showed her as a beautiful, fashionable woman. Somehow she was injured and became a shut in for three years until she saw the man.

"My name is Paikea Apirana, and I come from a long line of chiefs stretching all the way back to the Whale Rider."


Another thing to clear it up - she used other people's photos to create alternate (non-scarred) internet personas. That's why she gets hateful internet messages, because she is found out. As far as my basic English subtitles told me, at least!

If dolphins are so smart, how come they live in igloos


Hmmm. I don't remember seeing anything in the movie where they showed old pictures of Miss Kim looking beautiful & fashionable.

In fact, when she is getting the hateful messages on her cyworld a former classmate of hers posted a real picture of her and people were saying she looked gross, and someone even asked what that thing on her forehead was, of course referring to the scar. So seems like she was an outcast since her school days and the scar was around then.

Ugh, I wish we knew more about Miss Kim's past. I wonder if the korean dvd has deleted scenes.



She was picked on and bullied in high school because of her scar, and she eventually dropped out of it.
I think the trauma led to her social anxiety. The English subtitles doesn't include this, but the scene where her fake identity is found out shows this. The replies started with people who admired her, and then it led to people who were suspicious, people who were actual friends with the stolen picture's owner and criticizing her, cursing her, in the end her highschool alumni exposed her. They talked about how hideous she looked, what her nickname was, and there was a shot of a link probably led to her old photos.


She used to be fat! or so she thinks, which is apparent from her anorexic frame, low consumption and rigorous exercise routine. Her scar and possible even her name reaffirms her insecurities. Maybe this is why the scene where she eats the literal symbol for 'hope' is meant to be even more meaningful. Also the final scene in the bus, where she says her name (which has a likeness to the North Korean dictator), may have been funny depending on how sensitive South Koreans are about it. It would also explain why she is punishing her parents. I love this movie so much because of the subtleties.


I agree on this one. At least, that is how I imagined.
Accident, that made her the scar. And made her stay at home.

But her room is awful, like a garbage dump.

Yet, it might be part of the methapore,
he - ends up learning how to enjoy life, provide for himself, become a hunter. Grow up, become a man, in every sense.
she - lives in her room / imagination, filled with stuff she doesnt need.

And they both need just someone to ask them - Who are you?,
to be truely interested.
