
No where near the charme of the "At the mountains of madness" B/W movie.

Just cheesy, trying to be funny piece of crap.


you mean call of cthulhu movie?


Perhaps it is just not for you. I loved the movie. I am also a fan of the books. It is easy to knock a film. Have you ever read this story? So easy to criticize what you do not understand. Go make a film on this budget and get back to us.



Poor movie. Boring, slow, below average actors. However it was a notch better than " House of the Wolfman". 3/10.


Absolutely excellent adaption. Has the feel of Lovecraft all the way through.

Solid 8/10

And one of the, if not the best horror film I have seen in the past 6 months.


Excellent work. This is coming from a Lovecraft purist who usually despises modern innovations and extras intruding into HPL's tales. This is the one exception to that rule. Even the _deviations_ were Lovecraftian, e.g.


... the "guest appearance" of Charles Fort, the aeroplane escape, the little girl's death, Wilmarth's ultimate enslavement to the aliens. No happy endings here. Darkness prevails. It's as if the filmmakers made a literal homage to HPL, but also offered their own toast - giving a little back to the Master.



I enjoyed the film as well, does that mean that someone payed me, or that I'm an idiot? What is your deal exactly? You come off as very rude.

"The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind" ~H.P. Lovecraft


stanleyjim is either trolling or a complete custard head. Instead of giving reasons why he thinks the film is bad, he whines that someone must have been paid to say that they like it (thanks BTW for your sensible comments in this regard). This poster is either too lazy to justify his claims, or is just an embittered, sour soul.


Wow really feel differently about this. While it does change some stuff from the original story what Lovecraft adapted film hasn't. I liked the feel and that it had a period/pulp style to it. Let's just say it worked very well for me. Of course your opinion may differ and you have every right to it.
