MovieChat Forums > Restless (2011) Discussion > Dying is not beautiful

Dying is not beautiful

I am sick of this kind of so called courageous characters who face their own death with only serenity and peace. No anger, no fear, no anxiety, no questions. I have seen people facing cancer and it wasn't so easy and painless. This is so void and easy it is a shame.



I mean, if you can pull that off in actual life, good on you. You're a beast. However, It's becoming extremely hacky in films.

Speaking of hacky and films, I hated this one's guts. Everything about it screamed trying too hard arthouse nonsense and that dude's acting got on my nerves. I've not seen any of his other work, so I'm not equipped to critique him as a whole, but I could give you his exact whiny delivery in this one if you were to find any footage of me being told I couldn't go out on Saturday when I was sixteen.


The beauty is not in death. It's in the journey of accepting that it will happen to all of us: Every, single one of us will die, someday. Facing our mortality, causes us to consider the value of anything and everything, including beauty. It's the final challenge to every question about life.


It's the journey, not the destination.
I have cancer, and spent quality time with my fellow cancer fighters.
When they tell you there's nothing else they can do, you still go on. The last few days can be happy and bittersweet or sad and agonizing. it's up to you to decide.
When I go, it will be happy and bittersweet
Tetra is right.


