MovieChat Forums > Vexed (2010) Discussion > Funniest moment in Vexed?

Funniest moment in Vexed?

I don't think season 2 is as good as season 1 but I'm still really enjoying it. As someone said in another post the inappropriateness has been turned away down.

Anyway just wanted to know what peoples favourite moments are from season 1 and 2 so far?

Mine has to be when Armstrong is telling Bishop about how he obtained his firearm. Hilarious! I still laugh out loud thinking of it now.



Its taken a while to hit its stride, but yes the Toby Stephens character has been toned down.

Its that man again!!


On Season 2, Ep 1, I thought it was hilarious that Jack finds the speed and handling of more modern cars so unattractive (and frightening). I love that he is so much more fond of his older classic car! Also - the rant on texting abbreviations - "Why not just spell out 'late'" was really great. He tries to be so smooth (and usually is), but then he just dismisses annoying modernisms. You go, Jack!


My vote goes for episode 1 series 1 when Armstrong was determining if the suspect was "really" gay.

Second would go to the rehab clinic getting the deceased fat woman on the gurney.


I was just remembering the scene when Kate told Jack that she pays the neighbour to let her visitors to use his WC rather than hers, and Jack called the neighbour to use it. Hilarious.


The WC scene in season 1 is enormously funny, but I liked so many others, too. The scene when they are teased by the wheelchair fan who mocks the political correctness about disabled people being unable to commit crimes? Season 2 is not as funny as the first series, but it has its ups; after some time spent at the University working with postmodernists I truly enjoyed the post-gender episode for instance.


"I'm going clubbing"

Cuts to him crying and watching a documentary on seals. That was genius on so many levels.


I loved that scene. Jack resembled the seal in so many ways - splayed out on the sofa, blubbering!


I think both seasons are great but in season one when they are in the mental hospital and talking to the doctor in her office and trying to balance on the ergonomically correct balance balance balls and Kate was having trouble but then it's Jack who is talking smoothly to the doctor and just wham!! the ball goes out from under him and he floor plants HARD had me rewinding and howling probably longer then the average person.


Why don't you cut them both off and make yourself a pair of earrings!


Cracking me up every time: Toby Stephens' incredibly infectious laugh, e.g. in series 1, ep. 1, in the redhaired victim's flat, and also in series 2, ep. 2, in the library, Georgie reading those book titles to him. Priceless.
