
I saw this on late night pay cable the other day...

This is a 100% Propaganda play for the Sarah Palin camp. Regardless of the yellowed newspaper clipping photo at the end of the movie might suggest.. Yeow!

What I mean by this is.. Mayor Cupcake is Propaganda and should be described as such. It is NOT a movie.. nor a "True Story" or ??? To entertain the idea that "Mayor Cupcake" is a commercial movie is to make a grave mistake!

Sure there are technical differences between the real Mayor and Vice President Conservative wannabie Palin. Sarah has 4 kids (3 girls and a boy).. We really have no idea what the real Mayor Cupcake was all about. And I haven't been able to find much on the real Mayor of this town. (not a big surprise)


The "Evil" that you find in this story is what the viewers subconscious will do with the information.

Here is this good hearted business woman who just happens to get elected because the fat ugly bad guy dies. Dies before the election could be certified.

Offered the choice.. She (along with permission from her cop husband) accept the job.

Ms Cupcake is respected and loved by everyone except the Baddies. Which includes a character who looks JUST LIKE Snidely Whiplash. Black mustache and everything. I might have missed him chuckling and twirling his mustache while cooking up his evil plans.. Did I say he was having an affair with the ExMayor's mean - LARGE daughter?

Along with these "Rocky & Bullwinkle" protagonists.. She finds that her whole town has been totally mismanaged.

Her solution? Move the Mayor's office to a section of her Cupcake shop. Put her (token) African American heart of gold restaurant manager in charge of the city's books.

Apply good olde "Mom" common sense solutions to whatever problem she encounters. Much the same way W Bush used his "Gut" to run our country into bankruptcy.

At the end everything works out and is set right! (Moms know best ya know)

Propaganda 101.


Lord I hope you are joking.


You're a psycho.



I mean absolutely Zero disrespect to the folks who replied on this matter.

Please just look at the facts!

Mayor Cupcake is the spitting image of Sara Palin. That has to tell you something.

There are several books out there on the subject of "Propaganda" and media manipulation.

All the Political "Spin Doctors" would need to do is book "Mayor Cupcake" a "G" movie (for the whole family) before elections. An event like that can skew the voting numbers in Palin's favor. Especially if the movie is run on rural TV stations. (the perfect cover BTW)

Yes I'm very sorry to say this is true and just a taste of such tactics.

Also this is an American Movie that SHOULD be singled out as a Shameful GROSS Example of such manipulations.



Lea Thompson looks nothing like Sarah Palen, except in your delusional mind.

And the only 'propaganda' going on is the media's portrayal of Sarah Palin, which your soft mind has bought hook, line, and sinker.

You need to stop getting your news from Saturday Night Live.


I'll bet you are a conspiracy theorist, too.

This is based on a true story or did you miss that and your review is so inappropriate. You look nuts posting all that junk. This is a family feel good movie and you probably shouldn't be watching it.

Sarah Palin has fallen off the radar for good I hope. She had a brief time of fame and then everybody saw through her.

"Sometimes you have to know when to put a cork in it."


I am glad I wasn't the only one who found this a bit fishy. I didn't make all the connections you did, but there is a backdrop to to this story and it's the message of austerity.

Why do we warn of spoilers, isn't that the chance you take going to a site like imdb?


Hellllo..this is the future speaking..turns out Palin didn't run in. 2012.. She saw the negative reviews for her propaganda movie Mayor Cupcake on IMDB and decided to drop out.
