Slave Rape

As a woman I cannot imagine what it must have been like to have the master rape you. I read that sometimes masters would do it in front of the slave husband to humiliate them. Then these same men would go to church on Sunday. Just pure evil.


Agreed. All rape is a matter of power and control rather than being about sex. This pretty much proves that.


Males where raped too.Look at what the catholic church does is modern times back then whites could get away with anything.

Diplomacy is the knuckle and palm of the same hand


If you look at today's definition of rape where it concerns a person in a position of power and authority and look at the actions of 22 year old Strom Thurmond and his 15 or 16 year old maid Carrie Butler you will see some things took a long time to change.


And it was pure evil, but most of them justified it via religion, either by the curse of Ham, where Ham is considered to be the father of all black people and were cursed Noah to be forever servants for life to his people. So to many slave owners then they were doing gods work and they could treat their slaves however they wanted to. Also was rules governing the treatment of other christians then, if said person wasn't a christian you could pretty much do whatever you wanted to them without fear of punishment. Very sad but true facts on how many justified slavery and the treatment of their slaves then.


After you accept that they're property I don't think the rest is a moral question.

The problem starts and stops with owning another human being as your property. The rest is answered after that.


We have no idea what those poor people went through, we think we have it rough now, there is no comparison.
