Thor's Slammer...

Anyone psyched for the new episode?

Tuesday's show, Thor's Slammer was written by series creator Mike Werb (and Michal Colleary) and directed by Mikael Salomon (he shot the pilot, The Victor Belongs To The Spoils) -- post your thoughts here -- hope you enjoy ;)


Love love LOVED the episode. Especially how Jasper jumped in to help his dad when he saw he was eating FRENCH ice cream, hmm...
But the Jasper/Henry moments this episode were awesome! I love how quickly they have become like brothers, so cute.
Also loved Hunter this episode, awesome per usual!

Do or do not, there is no try-YODA


It was an interesting episode. I enjoyed the fact that it touched on the Vikings who people tend to forget came to North America long before Columbus did. As a history buff I enjoy obscure references.

Shawn: "I solve a case every week and usually one around Christmas"


Really enjoyed it. :)


Easily one of my favorites. The end was a bit cheesy but I loved the story and I agree that I love seeing Henry and Jasper becoming brothers. I loved Jaspers line 'what's going to happen to our family?' It was very sweet. And I loved Maggie getting to kick butt!! Now we just need to get Jasper to kick butt and the trio will be unstoppable! lol! Seriously this show just keeps getting better!:)

Are you watching closely?


Thor's Slammer was the best episode so far! I really enjoyed it.
