Logistical nightmare!

...But still a decent movie watching experience.

What I mean is that even if Owlman had destroyed the original Earth, how could that destroy Krypton prime, or Mars prime even?

Sorry if this has been raised before, just wanted some anonymous input.

You complain about spoilers. I say you are stupid enough to come here without watching the movie.


Well, watching it right now the second time and I THINK the implication is that destorying Earth Prime would cause a chain reaction that would destroy all Earths and take their respective realities with them.

Of course by this point in time Krypton and Mars are non-issue (Krypton is just a bunch of rocks around the gaseous remains of the planet and Mars is a barren and lifeless planet) so it wouldn't matter.



I think Owlman's end game wasn't to destroy all life in the universe, just every earth in existence and all the life on it. So all non-earth planets would be safe.

-Anything you can do I can do better-
Spoiler tags are cool. : D


It wouldn't, it's just poorly written trash like 99% of comics, books and movies.

It's based on a stupid story that dc tried to pass off as interesting that really served as a means to correct the many mistakes they made through the years with regards to continuity. I guess they didn't realize how obsessed people would be by the 1980's.

James Woods saved this stupid movie, especially his last line.


"It's based on a stupid story that dc tried to pass off as interesting that really served as a means to correct the many mistakes they made through the years with regards to continuity. I guess they didn't realize how obsessed people would be by the 1980's."

Do date, they still do. I miss when comics and works of fantasy didn't try to pander realism and realistic people.
