MovieChat Forums > The Untold History of the United States (2012) Discussion > More Propaganda from another Hollywood D...

More Propaganda from another Hollywood Director

Stone is attempting to rewrite history by making it seem that Stalin was somehow better than Hitler. nothing could be further from the truth.

As bad as Hitler was he was nowhere near the son of a bitch that Stalin was. To suggest otherwise is laughable. Just taking into account sheer numbers, Stalin killed at least five or six times the number as Hitler. The Soviet troops were true barbarians. They were known for mutilating the enemy, even going so far as to desecrate people's genitals as well as engaging in cannibalism. What can you say about a guy who used the NKVD to shoot his own troops if any of them retreated.

Hitler knew about the rising threat of Bolshevik communism. It was only a matter of time before the Soviets moved west and that's why Hitler engaged in a preemptive strike. Just Google operation thunder to read about Stalin's planned invasion of Europe.

I love how stone then tries to play the part of the apologist by claiming the Allies had no choice but to get into bed with Stalin in order to defeat the evil Germany. Even general Patton said that we had defeated the wrong enemy and wanted to go back and take out Stalin, which would have eliminated communism. Unfortunately, he died from injuries sustained in a car accident before he got the chance. Coincidence?

Isn't it funny how today a person can buy a T-shirt with Chairman Mao's face, a coffee mug with the face of Stalin, a soda pop called Leninade, a T-shirt of Che Guevara, but not one item of any kind or sort can ever be found depicting the likeness of Hitler. Why? Is it because he made the mistake of killing Jews and will forever be demonized as the most evil man that ever lived? Don't ever let anyone tell you that the complicated events of World War II are as simple as Nazi bad, Jews and allies good.

For a more unbiased viewpoint on the events of World War II, check out a documentary called Adolf Hitler: the greatest story never told.


You answered your own question. Stalin might of wanted to move west but it was Hitler who did.

And I can tell by your last paragraph what's really upsetting you.


well first of all i'm not "upset" by anything. i don't have a dog in the fight. i take interest in the topic because there's nothing i detest more than the stench of lies.

it's taken me years to basically unlearn all of the revisionist history taught to us in school and i've come to the conclusion that WWII is perhaps the greatest hoax that has ever been perpetuated on the world. the avg. person has no clue as to the Zionist role in the shaping of the complex events of both WWI and WWII.


Just because you are a nazi sympathizer anti semite, dont over look the whole series. Stone doesn't downplay Stalins evil deeds, However he doesn't demonize him just because of them either. He was a politician looking out for number 1. As the us was as well.
Hitler was a madman. Anyone believing in a master race and wiping out anyone that didn't fit in with that is insane


You are a madman. Anyone believing something just because it's popular belief, and because the government censored anyone from disagreeing with it, is insane.

~ Observe, and act with clarity. ~


Read the book. There are more than 90 pages of references. You are asleep. You need to wake up and see some of the acts of terrorism that your govt has committed over the years


Do I believe there are other factors at play. yes. Do I think Hitler was a madman who killed many Jews, homosexuals, gypsys etc. Yes
What does this have to do with the film series or the book ?


Does my pet goldfish think Alexander The Great was a bad person? Yes. And he's only marginally less qualified to hold an opinion and less able to express it coherently than you are.

~ Observe, and act with clarity. ~


you are funny


your gold fish is a troll. just like you


What I meant was that your clearly anti-Semitic. I'm going to go ahead and guess your a republican because from what I've seen they like to blame everything on the "Jews"


you would be incorrect. i'm not a republican because i don't believe that either party represents the interests of the american public.

i'm not anti semitic, that's an idiotic label that is used against anybody anytime they voice a justified criticism against the jews or israel. like i said, i don't have a dog in the fight, i merely call it the way i see it.

just so you know, a person doesn't have to be a jew to be a zionist. if you really care, which i know you don't, you can google the "balfour declaration" to learn more about the zionist agreement with the british govt. in both WWI & WWII.


OP: Well said.
