How is this leftist ?

I've read that like 20 times on here. It seems it goes after both sides quite a bit.

And shouldn't libertarians be cheering this on.

Uneeded foreign wars, propping up governments, billions of dollars wasted.

This should be mandatory viewing for all Ron Paul supporters.


He seems to have a pretty negative view of Obama, as well. Who the most unthinking members of the right have been very quick to denounce as a communist or socialist or fascist (usually all at the same time).

Revenge is a dish best served cold.
-- Klingon proverb


All leftists have a negative view of Obama. Obama isn't a leftist; he's actually one of the most right-wing presidents the US has ever had. A neocon interventionist warmonger and a Reaganite free-market fundamentalist. He's cited Reagan as one of his biggest inspirations, and his economic policies bear that out. There's nothing about Obama that's leftist in any sense of the word.

Republicans might call him leftist, but that's just blind party partisanship. They think anything that's Democrat is "leftist", but the Democratic Party has been steadily becoming more and more right-wing since the days of Kennedy. The party never really was leftist in any sense to begin with. The label "left" for the Democrats is really quite arbitrary, always has been. Both the Democrats and Republicans are right-wing parties.

There isn't really much of a left to speak of in the US. There are some semi-leftist tendencies in the Green Party, and there are some small socialist and communist parties, but there hasn't been a very strong and influential leftist force in the US since the Black Panther Party in the late 1960s/early 1970s.


Best example of lefty delusional disorder on this board! JFK would be considered a conservative today, Obama a Marxist back then.


It's not actually leftist, but it is quite progressive, one of the most progressive things ever seen on American television.

Stone is kind of a social democrat. Ron Paul types would be repelled by his economic views.


Any point of view that questions the fairness of warmongering and covert operations to destabilize foreign governments is considered leftist by right-wing hardliners.
It will be interesting to see what will happen with the military industrial complex during the Trump presidency, because Trump is less eager to send troops abroad than Hillary Clinton, who is considered to be a hero of the leftists by many.
Like another poster mentioned, there is no leftist party in the US like socialist parties in Europe. Maybe FDR was the last president with a left wing agenda.


The mainstream "left" (i.e. the Democratic party) is embraced because its brand of interventionism is cloaked in messages about stamping out genocide, protecting human rights in other countries, etc. When in reality, they're serving the same bankers and oil barons and corporate oligarchs the Republicans do. That was one of my greatest disappointments about the Obama presidency.

As to Trump, he's been pretty clear about wanting to increase military spending. True, that may not necessarily translate into more "boots on the ground", but "boots on the ground" is gradually becoming archaic in the modern technological era. There's little doubt in my mind that Trump will prove to be a big fan of projecting US power and influence abroad; it's worth remembering that George W. Bush campaigned in 2000 on a foreign policy platform of NOT using the US military for "nation building", but after 9/11 proceeded to attempt to do exactly that.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.
-- Klingon proverb
