MovieChat Forums > The Wild Hunt Discussion > Well the trailer was awesome.

Well the trailer was awesome.

I was really looking foward to this movie, read about it for months, the trailer gave me chills every time I watched it. But now I'm a little disapointed. I don't know if you have to be a larper to enjoy it but as a regular person :) , I think that it could have been so much more. I tought it was gonna be a thriller/revenge story but all the sense of dread was ruined because the line between the game and reality wasn't crossed as early as it should have been in my opinion.

It's stupid but I think it needed more violence to make us believe that there was a threat associated with these people, there's just no build up, I wasn't pulled into it.

Still it's a very well made indie film. But sadly I think it's made by larpers for larpers, I though it would've been more than that.

Maybe I was expecting too much out of it. Anyways, see for yourself if you can find it !

Your poetry will now be written with blood


I think you're confused...there was tons of buildup. Making things serious to start off with would have removed the buildup and made the movie boring.

I thought it was a good movie, and I absolutely loved the last 2 scenes.

My main criticism is that the main character's girlfriend isn't developed as a character. She just comes off as a confused, hostile bitch.


Yeah and that's why you don't really care what happens to her, and anyway she's not threatened that much to begin with...

I mean I don't care if "they wanna have the big battle tonight" and bla bla, if the game had really turned into a frenzied chaotic and real battle it could have been really better in my honest opinion. Anyway, I need a second watch.

Your poetry will now be written with blood


Understandable, but that could've possibly turned it into a pigeon-holed horror movie, the only remaining plot being the escape of the 'good guys'. I preferred the unsettling build-up, especially with the music cues noting when the fantasy was broken.

Having not thrown myself into smaller films lately (working at blockbuster-only cinema keeps me in check) I was left jaw-dropped in several scenes. Totally unexpected, and a fantastic surprise of a movie.


Well I think the problem lies with the trailer, not the movie! Which is why I purposefully avoid arriving early at the movie theatre, I hate trailers, just as much as I hate advertising in general.

I rented this DVD from Roger's Video, it looked unobtrusive, hidden away anonymously in the "Canadian" section. I hate that we have a Canadian section in a Canadian store, and the passive USA imperialism to which all nations subject THEMSELVES. But I digress...

I had zero preconception about this movie. I am not a larper, I had never even heard the word LARP before reading these posts. But I am a French speaker, from Québec, where this was filmed. My brother has been participating in medieval fairs and role playing both in D&D for many many years (he's now 37). He is a medieval art "connaisseur" and is an avid designer/crafter of clothing and weaponry, authentically made from leather and makes his own chainmail.

The other group mentioned in the credits is La Compagnie Médiévale, and let me tell you that the mere mention of the word medieval in Québec sets people's imaginations a-swirl. Québec City is just a small city, 500,000 ppl, and there are more than one shops who specialise in medieval attire!

Quebecers are overwhelmingly anti-religious (as mentioned in the interview with the writer) and harbor a very romantic notion of early medieval lifestyles, probably due in part to a fascination with all things pagan.

I was surprised by this movie. Surprise is one of the major factors in liking a movie. After over a 1/4 century of seeing many movies per week, from a worldly selection, not simply Hollywood, it has become increasingly difficult for me to be pleasantly surprised. So I liked this very much. I was impressed with most of the actors, and the sets, filming, storyline were superbly handled.

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


Et bien salut de sherbrooke confrère cinéphile !

T'as raison je me suis encore fait avoir par la publicité. Sache que j'ai beaucoup aimé le film malgré tout. Seulement j'avais beacoup trop d'attentes. Les acteurs sont géniaux, les décors et les costumes aussi.

J'ai juste eu du mal à me sentir concerné par la quête du personnage principal. Je ne sentais pas sa compagne en danger du tout et je me foutais completement du déroulement du seule chose à laquelle j'ai réussi à me raccrocher c'était l'histoire avec le père, étant moi même au prise avec ce genre de problèmes familliaux.

Chapeau quand même à toute l'équipe pour un film bien ficellé.

Your poetry will now be written with blood


Ahem... consoeur... LOL

Ben j'aurais jamais deviné que t'étais au Québec par tes écrits! Avoir su je ne me serais pas éreintée à vanter le Québec! À chacun ses goûts... Je vois par ta liste «Top 50» qu'il y a pas mal de violence, alors tu n'aurais peut-être même pas regardé le film si ce n'eut été de la pub. Pour ma part, n'ayant aucune idée de ce que le film me réservait, c'est plutôt le début qui m'a laissé froide, je n'aimais pas du tout le jeu des acteurs (pour compte, puisqu'ils ne l'étaient pas en majorité) mais éventuellement, c'est le duel de coeur entre les deux hommes qui m'a le plus entraîné, quoique j'ai aussi beaucoup aimé le jeu du grand-frère. Évidemment, le personnage de la Valkyrie n'était pas très admirable, mais bon j'ai connu des femmes pires :( Je dois avouer que les scènes ou elle semble perdue concrètement et métaphoriquement dans la sombre forêt m'ont assez plu.

PS c'est Sherbrooke entre 1985 et 1990 qui m'a rendu cinéphile, ou pire cinéphilomane! car j'y ai travaillé à la Maison du Cinéma durant mon université. De belles années: j'avais accès à 12 films par semaine gratuits, quelle vie!

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


I've never LARPed or RPed and I enjoyed it. Also, since when does LARPer imply that you're not a "regular person"? I went in wondering if it would be some cheesy movie about LARPing and was very pleasantly surprised by every aspect of it.

Personally, I thought the build-up was spot on. Any earlier and it wouldn't have been realistic. I would've liked some more time spent between Murtagh leaving the boat and his camp deciding to stab somebody, as that was a pretty bold line to cross and we didn't see any of dialogue that went into that decision. But it's easy enough for me to say that only one or two people knew that the knife (this time) wasn't a prop knife, and then it just descended from there.

