Strike Back:Origins

For the Americans out there who watched strike back from Project Dawn onwards then got Origins and think it was boring you have to understand that this was filmed long before project dawn. Strike Back started as a production by Sky1 and it was then co-made by Cinemax which is where Project Dawn, Vengence and Shadow Warfare came from with a much bigger budget which is why Origins seems a bit pants in comparison. It's a shame you didn't get that first.


Unlike many Americans, I saw the Sky1 version first and then watched Project Dawn when it first aired. I like both versions, but the original is still my favorite.

I'm not British and he's certainly not intelligent.


By "long before project dawn" you mean the year exactly prior to it? Because all 5 seasons have followed each other with the exception of the last one because Damion fell and cracked his egg and they had to scoop his yolk back in to the shell.

Ya Kirk-loving Spocksucker!
