How the Hell....

How the Hell is this show an 8.3 ???

Every episode is exactly the same...
Someone is kidnapped, or a weapon is stolen in some corrupt backwards country by some terrorists.
They go in shooting everybody, always escape cause the enemies can't shoot for *beep* There's some more shooting and some explosions, some *beep* and titties and a lot op people die horribly...

How can you not be bored with this crap after a few episodes...?


because its still better than whats on most channels lately. if i see one more reality tv show im gonna be sick.

this may be routine, but at least its got action, boobs and comedy. it even manages to stick some drama and mystery into the background stories occasionally.


That's how all TV and movies are dude. It's the same premise just in different ways. The show did a good job changing it up and keeping you hooked.
