Cringe worthy

This is the dumbest british show I've ever seen. Frankly, I did not expect such a travesty from the brits. Cliche upon cliche. Firefight choreography is worse than childish. Acting is godawful. The stories are dumb. The characters are cartoonish. I was expecting this kind of crap from Hollywood, but not from UK.




Get out.

This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


What? So you prefer less action, unattractive actors, safe hallmark bow tied plot endings, and soap opera monotony to underwhelm you...?! If it's not your thing or genre, fine, don't watch it- but to criticize a successful show worldwide with a 9.0 IMBD rating to act as if you are above it- is quite transparent, doesn't make you look intelligent by bashing a well-made, long running show... And implying a British accent equals a better show or standard- just silly, Stonebridge is actually American, many are Australian & British all in collaboration. If it's not ur cup of tea, turn channel... But to put it down (w/out watching previous seasons to gauge as a whole) make you look dumb, and your comments worthless.


Go watch Downtown Abbey for super exciting tea parties wimp.



Start strong (the "pre"-season, ) and deteriorated rapidly. A big fall-off in the revolving door cast and in the writing which became either repetitive or far-fetched.

And yes, I DO like action and violence but this series became more work than fun in watching.

I'm a damned completionist so I'll watch it through much as I did with the once-great "Dexter," a series that became a parody of itself.


Only the first season was produced solely by Brits, and that was the best one.


Don't like realism much? Prefer a James Bond-like thing where he survives ANY thing without injuries or scars and is ready to fight again the next day? Go back to fairytale-land and stay there. This is what happens to real people, they get hurt, sometimes they die. I say well done to any show who has the courage to show that part of the coin, where actions do have consequences. As for firefight choreography and acting; If you are interested enough to study a show that hard to notice small details that might seem out of place to you (And who are we to say you are wrong, You who clearly know what you are talking about) then you are clearly a person with no life, and therefor beneath any further comments. Thank you and good night.


Good night :)


This show is great! It's lighthearted fun but also decent story lines and characters that we all grow to love. Over the years ive seen a lot of Shows and i'd say this is definitely up there with the best, it's no Sopranos for sure but it does what it's suppose to do.


Wrong. Spectacular series.


I don't understand how you can like the show because it's ridiculous but you know opinions are just that, so fine. What is not an opinion as how much these guys screw up for being an elite special forces unit they NEVER successfully accomplish a single task.

Stonebridge character is particularly worthless. He couldn't take a guy alive if it was delivered to him in a life support unit. Of course that's just the bad writing in what passes for a plot depends upon the good guys being in the dark which means they never take anyone alive who could give them useful information.

This elite special unit is always two steps behind the bad guys and if the guy who works down the street at Kinko's was the same level of incompetency he'd be fired almost immediately.

As one other poster mentioned British shows do tend to be better than American shows. They're not as cliché, they have better writing and usually much superior acting. British shows like some of the better shows in the US are not as dependent on ratings and therefore are able to exhibit much more originality and craft instead of appealing to the lowest common denominator of viewer. American TV typically copies something else has already shown to be successful and takes very few risks.


I agree that most British shows seem to be thought provoking. However, unfortunately America is all about the money. They put a lame show on tv that draws millions of viewers so that the networks can make millions of dollars from advertising. Also, we Americans get bored easily and tend to find other forms of entertainment instead of investing in a television show. We have national, college, and high school sports, video games and the internet to keep us busy. I agree that a lot of shows are not very creative. I've also noticed that British series don't tend to go on for ages. They have 3-13 episodes of a series, whereas a series or season for us on a network is generally 22 episodes. It's a different culture and American entertainment tends to focus on a different audience. Different strokes for different folks. Yes, I like the show, but I love action movies with explosions and bullets flying. I love Dirty Harry and Death Wish. I watch tv to escape my everyday stressful life and job so it works for me. Others prefer to invest and want something of substance. That's understandable.


This will contain spoilers. Dirty Harry and Deathwish are awesome! No, that's not the spoiler. The difference between those and this utter piece of garbage called strike back is that they were written well.

I call it the JJ Abrams syndrome, although it existed long before him nobody polished the turd as well as he does. It consists of just a series of mindless action pieces strung together by the most tenuous strands of ill-thought out logic. Whatever get you to the next set piece, no matter how stupid will do fine.

So I just puked my way through the iRA episode where they show the psychopath killing every single person that he encounters even though he's managed to have a 30 year long career in the IRA but apparently the word never got around that he'll just kill you for no reason. And people still come to work for the guy even though it's a guaranteed death sentence.

So the worlds most retarded special forces guy, and I've grown to hate that actor so bad because he's just it's just grit teeth with his little pistol out running around let's see what stupid thing we can do. He trusts the bad guard to let his girlfriend go because she's tied to a bomb. This is the the guy who kills EVERYBODY. So instead of locking him inside the van where the bomb is cause maybe he just might diffuse it to save his own life, retarded Philip Winchester lets him go and then whines that "he promised" when his girlfriend blows up. I could not friggin believe it this script! It was written with a crayon!!!

And the other special forces guy when he sees what's happening, he could shoot the bad guy in the foot or shot you know stupid good guy or made the bomb go off so was no longer a decision. He had your unlimited course of action available to him but he chose to sit there and tear up these are delta force guys come on! If they needed to kill the blonde chick there were a dozen really good ways they could've done it. Don't even let me get started about how the next episode began.

I'm pretty sure that actor has to be stupid enough to go along and play roles like this I can't even stand the sight of that guy anymore. I Action does not have to be stupid. People get paid for writing this crap can you believe it?

This is the kind of garbage that makes the rest of the world think Americans are mentally deficient. And I'm not so sure they're wrong.

But then again Lee Childs is English I believe and look at that absurd sociopathic crayola caricature of some kind of action hero. Although I'm pretty sure Childs is like writing it as a joke and he's just laughing all the way to the bank when people take it seriously.


Stonebridge character is particularly worthless

oh no, you didn't!

Stonebridge is the finest soldier there ever was. That's my story and I'm
sticking to it.



You guys are morons. On what planet are British shows better than American shows? The Sopranos, The Wire, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, The Shield, etc. All of the best TV shows ever made are American and that is not even a debate.

Fly Eagles Fly


Yes! This myth of British shows being superior is confusing to me too.

Spooks was another cringeworthy TV series very similar to Strike Back. Very cliche and with a revolving door of leads.

Shows like Game of Thrones, Vikings, The Killing, The Wire as well as other rare finds are hard to follow. They've raised the bar too high it seems since most other TV shows just seem like utter crap. I've struggled to get into TV shows lately. Tried watching Strike Back and I couldn't even make it past the first episode.

Another very popular TV series is True Detective. American made I think too.

Ooh! The TV series Fargo is absolutely BRILLIANT. I wouldn't waste time watching Strike Back. People, go watch Fargo the TV series. Martin Freeman is in it and he's supoib.
