Ray's death

What did Ray die of? She had a fever, was shaking and had that rash on her lips. It also was very sudden. Does it sound like it could be a blood infection?


In the 1945 movie is was pneumonia. I haven't read the novel so presume they woulldn't change the cause of death. Pneumonia was a deadly disease like influenza in those days. Still very serious now days but we have knowledge and medication to treat it.



Right, thanks!


Yes, the doctor talked about the pustule on her lip and how if it got infected it would go to her brain. They gave her a blood transfusion to help fight the possibility of infection but she ended up having increasing pulse and temperature and a seizure and dying from it anyway.

The film takes place in the 1930s before antibiotics were in use and it was common for people to die from infections.


The doctor mentioned grippe a couple of times - grippe is an old fashioned word for influenza, aka the flu.

See my published polls here: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls063373675
