Was the marriage fake or real?

1 real. 0 fake.

of course, there was scripted moments and reshoots, but divorce is worse publicity. when kim realized how immature kris was, she bailed. looks bad, but you cant fix stupid. maybe should have tried counseling, but there's no hope for him. it would take years. looks sort of like fraud, but its just reality.


here's the webpage about the reshoots

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/14/kim-kardashian-proposal-resho t_n_2876766.html


I do think It was real I think marriage sounded like a good idea to them but they didn't give it much thought and they rushed. Had they dated a few more months before getting engaged she would have seen how annoying he really was and would have ended it with him.

"I'm not crazy M'Lynn, I've just been in a very bad mood for forty years"


Exactly what I think. I think the marriage was real, but they weren't together for long enough to even know one another well. They got married kind of quickly and didn't have enough time together beforehand.
