Any good?

? Any good?



It's been over 4 years since you posted this, and I'm assuming you have seen the movie by now. However, I will respond for the benefit of other curious people.

If you can accept a B-grade low budget movie of high school level acting, complete with a made-at-home type of how-to guide on vigilantism, then you could pass the time with this 'movie'. Seems that only Margot Robbie was the only face with any recognition in the movie industry, who didn't seem to suffer from this movie.

Robert Diaz's portrayal as the vigilante was so pretentious, I couldn't help but root for the villains of movie. Not that I could have a lot of sympathy for the villains, since they seem to be so into trying to look incorrigible, they seem to show that the writers miss the point of sociopathy traits. The antihero seemed to go from potential date rapist passive-aggressive, to a highly sensitive, pseudo-MMA fighter in a matter of the movie's timeline version of a month. Funniest part is that he can't handle the movie's main villain, during the scene where his girlfriend gets raped and murdered. But after some time at the gym, and some streetfighting skills, the antihero could defeat anyone who has some skill in streetfighting as well. Not to mention that the main villain couldn't go "toe to toe" in a sparring fight with some boxer that I could beat up on a lazy day.

Beyond the lazy acting, there were some technical problems that severely impaired the movie. I couldn't hear the dialogue half the time, because the actors' voices were in the background. The music, that was supposed to be background incidental music, was so foreground, that I felt like I had to go turn off the stereo to hear what was being said. Problem for me in this dvd was that there was no subtitles so that I could turn off the sound and just read the occasional dialogue.

I would consider this a karate movie with no brains. I'm tossing my copy (that I bought for $3) into the bin.


I agree about the sound quality...
Sometimes the music was so loud you could not hear the dialog.

but it was not bad for a vigilante film...
by the numbers....

and I liked Diaz as the lead...
He did ok in some parts.

It was watchable..... for me..
