enjoyed this movie a lot

This was a nice relaxed Christmas movie that makes you feel happy at the end. The story is cute and it is nice to watch something that does not put you on edge. Only, Jason London should have been the lead instead of a supporting character. His charisma and screen presance is really more suited to playing a more substantial role. He was lovely in his part, however and gorgeous to look at as usual.

"Hating people is like burning down your own house to get rid of a rat". ~Henry Emerson Fosdick


I liked this film as well. It's light weight fluff, but who wants a "heavy" Christmas movie?
It was WAY predictable and corny... But I liked it all the same.

Trust me,
My, you're nosey, aren't you?


It is nice easy viewing. I especially liked it because the cute-looking knowing dog is the real heroine.
