Ugly Duckling episode

So yes, we're behind with the episodes in Europe..

Is Lorenzo for real? What father treats his son like that at a cabaret thanking his daughter and her half-sister for being there and welcomes a girl half his age (he only met twice!) as his "special guest". A.J. thought he was talking of him, he looked so pleased and then the disappointment. The second time I saw the episode I noticed the tears in his eyes before he stormed out. And Lorenzo going on about "love"... what does he know about love. The guy has been divorced FOUR times.

And what's up that AJ never had a job? I definitely remember him from several episodes in As the World Turns and not 5 as IMDB states.

Is a soap not work? How was Falcon Crest so much better than As the World turns? (It wasn't).

And why didn't AJ get the job as a tour guide? He did okay, didn't he? The public enjoyed it by the looks of it!

Shayne is a whining baby with her bleached hair with long dark roots. She appears all nice.. but she checks men for their money and jobs and talks about "marriage material" after ONE date? What a silly superficial girl.
What is HER job btw??

reply are really behind!

They finally made the end of the season a few months ago.

You don't know the story of why Lorenzo & AJ don't get along? AJ & Shauna supposedly had a little fling ...that's not really addressed by Lorenzo. He and AJ finally talked but he said it was because he moved Shauna into the house & AJ didn't like it. Who knows what really happened?

They are truly dysfunctional! LOL.

I know...I remember AJ being on other shows. He didn't get the job of tour guide because of his language....he used too many f bombs.

Shayne...she really doesn't have one...she did try modeling but wasn't very good at it.

Hopefully there will be a 2nd season. They were a hoot to watch!


I've read on this board he is supposed to have slept with Shauna. I suppose if that was true Lorenzo would have mentioned it...

If Shayne doesn't have a job, why isn't Lorenzo commenting on that? Don't women have to work in his phantasy world?

And the mother.. my God, is she stuck in the twilight zone of plastic surgery hell? She looks like a freak...


No..I think Lorenzo doesn't really wants to draw attention to the fact that AJ & Shauna slept together...wouldn't look good for him.

In the later episodes she does talk about trying to get work in Hollywood & how hard it is & he supports her because he understands. Considering who her Grandparents are I find it hard to believe nobody wants to hire her...but then again you do need a little bit of talent...not just looks. She tried modeling and was really bad at it. It was embarrassing to watch. Poor girl...

Michelle Smith... She used to look normal!!!


I suppose Michelle used to look good, looking at that absolutely gorgeous daughter of her, Dakota! Yes, I am a woman but I recognise beauty.

Shayne of course is also pretty but she looks so fake with the bleached hair, the tons of make up etc.

A.J. didn't suck in ATWT. I guess a career as a soap actor could be in reach.

It was a bit laughable when Lorenzo went out for the first time with Christine giving her a gift like that. How old is Christine? Half his age? She appears lovely though. When I saw the "ugly duckling" episode I sort of hoped she would hook up with AJ.
