MovieChat Forums > The Change-Up (2011) Discussion > Woman dictator threatens to cut her husb...

Woman dictator threatens to cut her husband

Wouldn't that make an interesting headline?

However, in this movie, this is a normal occurrence (and I am sure, in real life as well).

Women are the dictators in movie families, as well as the real families. Why is this so widely accepted, and why do men supplicate to this so much? Look at Mitch simply accepting every command that dictator-woman shouts and screams at him. He 'tries to resist' at first, and then .. simply gives up. What the heck?

Why don't they try the idea of explaining this to the wife a bit longer, and why is it acceptable for the woman dictator to slap, kick and threaten to cut her husband and his friend? What the hell?

Why would Mitch, who is used to freedom, suddenly take orders from the woman? It's not his wife, he has no responsibilities whatsoever towards her, and so on. Why doesn't anyone put her in her place? Why is no one commenting about this in imdb reviews or comment board? Why is it so generally accepted, that a 'loving wife' can act psychotically and still retain the 'she is such a beautiful, tender and lovable human being'-image?

I am so sick of this misandristic hollywood film feces that I would swear, if it was possible in these Politically Correct imdb 'cleaned up' comment board sections.

Why is it ok for a woman to scream to her (presumably beloved) husband: "Do this BEFORE I CUT YOU"?

Think about this genders reversed. A man screaming hysterically to a woman: "Get out of this bed before you cut you!"

How many comments would we have of THAT scene alone in imdb comment board and the reviews? I bet there wouldn't be many that wouldn't mention it.

This is the state of EQUALITY in 2012 - women are more equal than men - men can be slapped in the face (and they have to just sit and take it) by a woman, kicked, hit and be screamed at and threatened to be cut by their most intimate partners, their own family members, their own wives, their 'loved ones' .. but just IMAGINE genders reversed - NO ONE in Hollywood would dare make a movie like that - and I am willing to bet not many on the whole planet would dare even write a story like that.

And yet, genders this way it's ok. Think about that the next time you think about what 'equality' really means, and what it should mean.


Blah, you're as bad as women who see sexism in everything and people who constantly see racism in everything. You read so far into something you're blinded by its original intent and manage to make it into something else entirely. I wouldn't have any different of a view on the movie or the scene if the roles were reversed. Because not only is it a movie, but it was a scene that was meant to be comical. The scene was meant to show how annoying it is to wake up and take care of kids in a comical way. It's not like she was sitting there with a knife ready to actually cut him if he didn't get up and take his turn with the kids. That'd be a completely different story, and it wouldn't be okay with either gender to do so. No logical person would say that it was. One thing I've been noticing for a while now is that the more equal people are the more you hear people complain about not being equal. It's really sad. People seem to have the need to feel as though they are always being discriminated against.

As for real life I see just as much misandry in relationships as misogyny, but that's just what I've witnessed I have no actual statistics. The way I see it is when applied to the subject above is that the first time it happens the person who did it is at fault and should definitely be held accountable for their actions. After that if the person decides to stay with them then they are choosing to stay in the relationship. Every situation is different though (obviously). I'd personally never be with someone who seriously threatened violence against me, especially over something so silly as putting a kid to sleep. But if I chose to stay with them and they were to threaten me again I'd feel like the blame would be shared equally. Them for doing it and me for choosing to stay in the first place.

The term "more equal" makes absolutely no sense, so you should really try not to use it.


I agree with everything in your 2nd paragraph but not in your first. As a black person, I think seeing racism in an animated movie only because they used a black voice actor for a certain character is dumb. And the cries of racism about Avatar. (if I could borrow your) blah. But I do see the double standard of abuse, slapstick or reality based, in movies and tv. Not in all cases mind you. Such as a movie like Resident Evil or Tomb Raider that have female action stars, that's not cause for a misandry alert. And I would give the same response as you did in your first paragraph to anyone that said that. But I do think that if you put 2 comedy movies side by side - one has a wife slapping, kicking and screaming at her husband...the other has a husband doing the same to his wife - I don't see both movies getting the same response.

I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum


I take you are not married?


This guy's critique was surprisingly cogent and persuasive.


Cogent and persuasive I agree but when you are married with kids and have to wake up multiple times in the middle of the night and it's your RESPONSIBILITY but you refuse, you will definitely hear things you have heard before from your other half. Look, I don't condone that kind of attitude but sometimes something slip in the heat of the moment but you learn to forgive and forget. Again, it's called "marriage!" I know some of you probably will disagree of what I have just said but get back to me after getting married and have kids.


true, this is why I stay single.


She's exhausted from having to take care of newborn twins all day. The "I'll cut you" line was said when she woke up in the middle of the night. Gotta keep it in context. People are grumpy when they're tired.


The OP's point is the gender disparity, not that it's inappropriate for the context. DUH.


Yeah, that's hollywood for you. They also portray women as perfect goddesses that the man must "prove" himself in order to earn, but women never have to do anything other than simply exist.


Equality, to women, means "I can do whatever I want, whenever I want or I'll take your kids and half your stuff."
So we put up with it.
