Lauren Holly

I didn't recognize her at first. She looks so different than she did a couple of years ago. Does anyone know if she's had surgery?


I noticed that too. If I had to guess it looks like Botox & that lip conjunction (or whatever its called).


Her lips look terrible. She's got a platypus mouth. She looks weird around the eyes too. I think she's definetely had something done. She's got a bit of a Calista Flockhart thing going on now...and not in a good way!


& that's really sad too, I thought she looked so adorable & cute in DUMB & DUMBER & even a few years later in TURBURLENCE.


she used to be beautiful. she looked bad in this, and the lighting was SO DARK in every scene, no one looked good


I remember LH when she was on All My Children. Last night I found her features somewhat disturbing and distracting each time she was on camera. Why do actresses do this to themselves?


I kept saying...that sounds just like Lauren Holly....looks kinda like her....does she have a sister that acts? Then I looked on here...that is not simply aging. Not that it matters..the movie is a disaster.


I'm watching the movie right now. That doesn't look a think like the Lauren Holly I remember.

"I could have been killed, and you're drinkin'!"
