Lauren Holly

WOW she *does* look bad.

Whatever she did to herself - the results were tragic.

I keep having to remind myself that it's her.

At least her voice is intact.



I saw Lauren Holly listed in the movie descriptin on DirecTv, but as I watched the movie I kept thinking they'd made a mistake! I thought "it looks KINDA like her, but that can't be her." She used to be adorable... I hope that whatever injections she's had wear off soon.


I recently saw her in 2 Christmas movies 2010, and it looks as if she is laying off the "botox" and "plastic surgeries" you said she was adorable and didn't have to follow the Hollywood "regime" and get those "botox" and "plastic surgeries"..anyway she looked great in these 2 movies...Of course she isn't as beautiful bc aging does happen, but she still is very pretty....Thank God she's no longer using that poison on her face....I always loved her red hair, esp during her "Picket Fence" days, thats when she looked her best...jmo


Oh, I know. It's tragic. I think she's a great example of a woman who would look ten times better natural with a few wrinkles than she does now after surgeries and injections.

Sad, really. :(

Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I think I've forgotten this before.


I felt so bad for her...she looked terrible...I did not recognize her right away.

Move, and I'll sock ya one!
