
The films tag line is 'Good friends. Bad idea?' Is this film about being in the friendzone and the advantages of it.




Defiantly not about the 'advantages' of the friendzone.
How can there be advantages of being in the friendzone anyway, that makes no sense whatsoever.



Most relationships are complicated and cannot be characterized by a term like 'friendzone'". This movie kinda points that out. Both make a genuine attempt to be 'just friends', but find that they have something more. Nowhere is it implied that the friendship is not worth pursuing for its own sake , in fact both of them go out of their way to be supportive and keep their relationship platonic. But that just serves to point out what is missing from her romantic relationship with Ben. It's not about the advantages of the friendzone but rather why being best friends with your partner is a good relationship to have. A much more realistic set up than the clichéd hate/antagonism turns into romance that forms the basis of so many rom coms.



I agree, there is an advantage of gaining a new friend, that's not the sense that I meant it in.
I just mean if you like someone in a romantic way and they only like you back as a friend, it sucks - I know, I've been there.


The what now??


What I find preposterous is the diner scene near the end. How on earth could she have considered that relationship still in the "friendzone" and deride the Harry Potter guy for having feelings for her?

--- MY RATINGS ---
2001,F.Gump,S.Shank,A.Beauty:10 | TDK:6 | Avengers:4


Yep totally agree. It made her character seem neurotic. She had unrealistic expectations Imo. Not grounded in reality. Difficult scene to pull off.
