MovieChat Forums > F (2013) Discussion > a different ending?

a different ending?

has anybody considered the possibility that the hoodies existed only in roberts deluded mind? they are totally faceless, and were able to move around with ease, silently, on top of cupboards, shelves, etc. The final scene = he stabbed the hoodie/his own daughter so that his ex would never have her? any thoughts???



I thought his daughter saw the hoodies and hid from them.


I thought his daughter saw the hoodies and hid from them.

Yes, she did. Kind of blow the OP's theory apart!


unless she wqas hiding from robert, it's seen from his perspective.


unless she wqas hiding from robert, it's seen from his perspective.

If she was hiding from her father she would not have come out of hiding and hugged him


Maybe that only happened in his mind, like the hoodies.



Whats seems obvious to you is just an opinion. The whole point of this production was to leave more questions than answers, so in the end anybody can put their own interpretation on to it, which is clearly what is happening here.
Why did the security guard lock them in? Well my answer to that is that he was a coward and wanted to put some distance between himself and the hoodies. The exchange of looks through the glass in the door seemed to show that the security guard was wrestling with himself about leaving them to their fate.



No. Interesting theory, but I am unconvinced. There are too many scenes in which we see hoodies surround and kill various characters. These scenes are shot in the 3rd person and Anderson is nowhere to be seen. There isn't enough evidence to suggest these are his delusions. The security guard is fearful of his life and knows the hoody is in the room where Anderson is. This is why he refuses to open the door. The daughter is chased by hoodies, yet she greets her father as if he isn't a danger.

"Just forget you ever saw it. It's better that way."


i find it odd that the hoodies have no character, they are silent, dark, how many of them are there, they seem to be very agile and quite light climbing on things, they just don't seem to be at all real. and there is no motive...there is only a very tenuous hint to the lad who hit robert early on.


Yes, but I think that is a weakness of the film rather than anything particularly allegorical.

"Just forget you ever saw it. It's better that way."


.there is only a very tenuous hint to the lad who hit robert early on
A little more than that. The memo circulated by the father highlighting that there are hooligans who hit another school could target their school. The title of the film is "F" (the lowest mark for school work), which suggests "F" graders are responsible.
I can see the argument for the father being the culprit all along but it's not conclusive and I think it was purposefully made to be left open ended.


Apart from:
1 The daughter comes out and hugs Dad right near the end, after just about everything. She also draws his attention to the hoodies right after this.

2 Dad WAS stood in front of her but they both clearly shifted position as he twisted to see what she was trying to warn him about. The killer clearly tries to stab him but definitely gets the girl instead as they move.

3 The security guard didn't just see the footage then lock Dad in the room. He actually tells Dad not to shout as "they'll hear you".

4 Hooded characters' motive was revenge for F grades, etc. Tenuous link and poor but still clealry a motive.

However, I agree that the idea of it being the Dad all along would make sense, although it's been done plenty of times before, but this can't have been the idea, unless the script was very, very poor to the point of no logic.

I also agree that the ending was poor - I like a film to leave you thinking but this wasn't just open ended - it was gaping! However, the makers are guilty of presenting unlikely 'Ninja' hoodies and an overly enigmatic ending. I can't see that they would offer a twist as you suggest and then mess it up with points 1 - 4 as above. I would suggest watching it again to check my points, but I doubt you'd fancy that! To be honest, I didn't mind most of it...but I wouldn't bother watching it again either!


During the'Making of...' DVD documentary, Johannes Roberts discusses the reasons behind leaving the Hoodies faceless....that they are in fact real, AND human.

People read far too much into stuff sometimes. I bet some people find subjective meaning behind 'Pirates of the Caribbean', and 'Iron Man'.

"...and don't point your fooking tenticles at me!"


Roberts came to my college and was discussing this film with us, he said that the hoodies are there to make the teacher pay. He didn't do it, he didn't kill anyone etc. so stop trying to find meaningless crap xD

Tyler; Piranha 3DD


Kate pushed his father away to save him, and got the first stab from the killer, not from Robert. Robert fought back.
