MovieChat Forums > F (2013) Discussion > NO ENDING - do not watch! (no spoilers!!...

NO ENDING - do not watch! (no spoilers!!!)

there are two topics already complaining about the ending but i wanted to make a topic completely spoiler-free, so that just in-case u do decide to watch the film, u wont be spoiled.

so here it goes:
i wouldnt recommend this film to anyone since it seems unfinished. u are introduced to a variety of characters and issues but none of them get tied up by the end. the film just runs out, kind of. like the production ran out of money or something. think of the sopranos fade to black mid dialogue...this is exactly that, if not worse. truly ask urself if u want to invest any money or time into these character, just to be left alone without an ending. its a waste.



I thought the ending was fine. Many films end without explaining this and that. It is a good film, full of tension, with a bit of gore and mystery. I liked the way it eneded otherwise it would have been like watching a British soap opera with storylines that get half the nation absorbed and talking about nothing but, and then the dull anti-climax. Good film! Also I have noted some people are commenting on the film as if it cuts off in the middle of a scene but it does not, it has a natural ending. And anyway everyone in the school had been killed, Robert had a choice at the end and he made his decision. The killers were faceless, scum, we know how they are usually dealt with in this dreadful PC society we have, it was explained at the beginning of the film when Robert was attacked by a student, and Robert made out to be the instigator!!!! THE END


I'm with you on this one tawlite. Great movie! Nothing needs explaining more than it already is.

The ONLY issue I had with this film was the degree of communication between people. When one bumps into another surely there would've better dialogue, even if you are scared. Security guard was a great example!


Good movie like the premise of it but it was a *beep* ending rear view mirror seeing his eyes til the screen goes black the eerie music playing


'in this dreadful PC society we have'

Really is England that bad? I can think of many countries on this planet where things are a whole lot more worrying than a bit of over the top political correctness. Stop me if im wrong.

My biggest problem with the movie was it set up all these mild sociological questions then coped out with a flat ending. Im not saying I wanted to see some of the hoodies in the shrinks chair airing the reasons for their violent outburst. Or for Robert to go back into the school Bruce Willis style and start beating *beep* out of the hoodies. But some kind of resolution would have been preferable to an ending that looked like they just ran out of cash.

"Its just a ride"



The budget was so tight they couldn't even spell out the title. ;P
Actually the ending was perfect for how you interpret, after my second thought I raised my rating from 5 to 7 or 8.



Um, so I guess you liked that girl. . .

But regarding the ending. People can't seem to handle an ending that is open-ended or ambiguous (this was both). I find it preferable to the usual horror movie ending where they kill the bad guys seemingly, but then he comes back for one more surprise attack, ho-hum.

